10 May The Growing American Tyranny and How to Stop It
Freedom 21 is the next step!
Issued by Tom DeWeese – American Policy Center
The Tea Parties have been held. The protests against the threats of a more powerful government have been made. Americans across the nation have made it clear – they fear our own government and they want to stop its headlong plunge toward totalitarianism. The question for all concerned Americans must be “now what do we do?”
What are the issues that are frightening the American people?
Massive growth of government. Outrageous spending. The growing invasion of personal privacy in a surveillance state. The loss of private property rights. The destruction of our schools. The threat of disarmament of American citizens. And, above all, politicians who won’t listen. Of course these are only a sample of the threats we face – but you get the picture.
So what do we do now? Americans have to learn how to fight back before we can effectively tackle these threats. Where to do that? The immediate answer is the Freedom 21 national conference.
Why? Because there you will learn from the best. Former Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin (called a potential terrorist by the Missouri State Government); Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon (the man who may be Oklahoma’s next Governor); Larry Pratt (leading the battle to stop gun confiscation); State Rep. Charles Key (the leading force behind the states’ rights sovereignty movement); Marc Morano (the former Senate staffer who has done more to expose the lies behind the global warming swindle than any other American); State Rep. Sam Rohrer (the nation’s leading opponent of Real ID and the creation of an international ID card); and Dr. Jeff Marrongelle (sounding the alarm against government takeover of personal choices in health freedom).
These leaders aren’t just talking heads – they are activists – standing firm and fighting back. All of them will be at Freedom 21 – ready to share their expertise and help train you to fight for your rights.
And they will be joined by the most effective grassroots activists in the nation. Tom DeWeese (one of the nation’s most outspoken property rights advocates); Michael Shaw (the nation’s foremost expert on the dangers of Sustainable Development); Dr. Michael Coffman (global governance expert); Michael Chapman and Allen Quist (two of the nation’s leading experts on the education crisis); Judith McGeary (sounding the alarm on the National Animal Identification System – NAIS); Mark Lerner (the nation’s foremost expert on international ID); Craig Rucker (training students to fight back on college campuses); Dan Byfield (his activism has literally stopped progress on the Trans Texas Corridor); Pat Wood (Editor of The August Review revealing underground efforts to attack and damage freedom groups beyond the Missouri MIAC report and the Department of Homeland Security report) and Amanda Teegarden (her activism on the state level is setting the example for how local activists can fight back).
For ten years Freedom 21 has sounded the alarm, exposing the international agenda that has led to economic meltdown and massive government power. Now the warnings are quickly becoming reality, and Americans want answers. What more can we expect? What can we do? How can we fight back? Again, Freedom 21 will supply the answers.
The 10th Annual Freedom 21 National Conference will be held August 13 – 15, in Oklahoma City, at the Reed Conference Center adjacent to the Sheraton Midwest City hotel. The conference is sponsored by the American Policy Center and Freedom21 Inc. They are joined by 16 co-sponsoring groups, including Eagle Forum, Freedom Advocates, Ed Watch, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, Sovereignty International, American Land Foundation, Stewards of the Range, OK SAFE, American Heritage Research, Gun Owners of America, Camp American, National Center for Constitutional Studies, Institute for Principled Policy, Liberty Coalition, Constitutional Alliance, and The August Review. These eighteen organizations form a loose coalition dedicated to advancing the principles of freedom in the 21st Century.
The message of Freedom 21 is unique to every other conference in the nation. While many try to explain the reasons for the economic crisis and the strife and pain many of us are experiencing, Freedom 21 goes to the very root of the problem. Each of these issues can be traced back to international policy, specifically Agenda 21 and its policy of Sustainable Development – a top down government control operating through non-elected regional governments and planning boards. The entire agenda is based on enforcing climate change policy.
Freedom 21 connects the dots from Agenda 21 to federal policies, like energy, air and water. And the dots connect further to state legislatures and policies like the Trans Texas Corridor and immigration. And they go further to local policies affecting city councils and county commissions as they deal with Smart Growth and development. And there’s more to the agenda, including the radical changes in our public education system and the growing threat of a big brother surveillance society. Americans know something is very wrong in our society, but most don’t understand what it is. No other conference explains it like Freedom 21.
Theme for this year’s conference is “The Growing American Tyranny and How to Stop It.” You will not hear this message at any other conference in the nation. Every concerned American needs to understand the threat we face and to learn how to fight back.
Sign up today to get the $50 early bird savings. Simply go to www.freedom21.org to see the full conference schedule and to register. Or call the American Policy Center at 540-341-8911. If you want to help preserve our nation’s liberty, then Freedom 21 is not only the most important event this year – it’s the critical next step.
Tom DeWeese is the President of the American Policy Center and the Editor of The DeWeese Report. TThe DeWeese Report is now available online, for more information click here.