25 Apr Trump orders State Department to slash $5B from UN budget
This is what you and I have been waiting for!
Two major actions have been taken in Washington, DC to prepare to end the tyranny of the United Nations.
You and I must not let these opportunities die!
First, President Trump has ordered the State Department to slash $5 billion from the money we pay in dues to the United Nations.
That’s a full 50% of the money the United States wastes on this tyrannical, globalist threat every year!
Clearly the United Nations stands as a direct threat to the ideals and principles of the United States. Slashing these American payments from the UN budget will greatly reduce the UN threat. It must be done.
But President Trump is under huge pressure from the Left. They are attacking every move he makes. And they are furious that he is now threatening the United Nations.
That’s why President Trump must know that he has your STRONG support to slash our UN payments.
To help you send that strong message of support to President Trump I have included a personal email for you to sign and send to him.
Slashing the UN budget by 50% – that one move – if successful – would mark the doom of the United Nations. The UN depends on the United States to pay its bills and supply it with an army- our American soldiers forced to do the UN’s bidding. That’s a disgrace.
President Trump wants that to stop – now.
The United States pays more than one fourth of all the UN’s budget. Without the United State paying its bills, the UN will simply cease to exist.
President Trump has taken the first step to make that happen.
And now you and I also have a SECOND way to help end the United Nation’s threat.
New legislation by Alabama Representative Mike Rogers (HR 193) calls for the end of US membership in the UN.
You and I can now attack the UN from two directions!
We need to build support for Rep. Rogers’ bill to get us out of the UN.
Showing strong support for both of these efforts means we WILL damage the United Nations. We will cut funding and we will build support to end our membership.
We must do both!
The UN is already in a panic. They know this can all happen.
And the UN is trying to fight back. In fact, they have just threatened to take away the US vote on the Security Council.
Good! Let them. That can only strengthen our fight to get out of the UN.
Please help me lead this fight. I need to let President Trump know that we support him. It’s vital that you sign the Email of Support to President Trump. Tell him that you support his efforts to stop payments to the UN.
Together you and I can win this fight.
My American Policy Center (APC) is a recognized leader in the fight to get us out of the UN. I’ve been on the front lines of that fight for several decades.
APC has exposed the UN’s plans to destroy our national sovereignty through Agenda 21. In fact, APC made Agenda 21 a major national issue that’s now being fought in city councils and state legislatures across the country.
Of course, for that effort I have been personally attacked on the front page of the New York Times and in the Washington Post. The Southern Poverty Law Center has written four separate reports attacking me by name.
Several years ago APC collected more than a million signed petitions to support former Congressman Ron Paul’s bill to get us out of the UN.
In fact, in the year 2000, during the UN Millennium Conference, APC sponsored a national news conference on Capitol Hill. It was carried on national television.
At that national news conference I personally delivered over half a million petitions to support Rep. Paul’s bill to get us out of the UN.
Now, Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers has reintroduced a new bill (H.R. 193) to end U.S. membership in the United Nations. His bill also demands that the UN leave American soil.
Americans are beginning to understand the UN threat. Obama actually stood before the UN General Assembly and called for Americans to surrender our national sovereignty to this world body.
As Obama worked feverishly to build UN intrusion into our lives through actions like Agenda 21 and by joining the UN’s Strong Cities Network to militarize our police, the rest of the world started to revolt against UN global policies that are destroying their national independence and economies.
Countries like England and France now get the message that the UN is bad news for their freedom and independence.
Now there is growing support in our own Congress to stop funding the UN and even to get us completely out of it. The idea of pulling back on paying UN dues has been expressed by several members of Congress in recent months.
Our time has come – if we demand action now!
Since its founding, the UN has advocated the desire to eradicate sovereign nations — while imposing what it calls “world-mindedness. In the 1990’s, Maurice Strong said, “it is not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation/states, however powerful.”
The UN’s real goal is to destroy the ideal the United States was founded on – limited government, individual freedom and free enterprise.
The UN wants the power to tax us.
The UN wants its own army to control us.
The UN already has its own court.
Those three things are all it needs to become a world government.
You and I must stop it. And now we have a President who agrees – the UN is a danger to American freedom.
Now we have the chance to end the UN’s tyranny.
I pledge to you that my American Policy Center will work tirelessly to build support for Rep. Mike Rogers’ bill (HR.193) to end our membership in the UN.
Will you now also take direct action to stop the UN by signing your Email of Support to President Donald Trump for his effort to stop sending American money to the UN?
Both efforts are vital if we are to build support across the nation to get us out of the UN.