Important Developments In The Fight to Stop Agenda 21

24 years. That’s how long it’s taken.

24 years of sounding the warnings and issuing the pleas for someone to listen about the great threat to our nation, to our system of government, to our property rights and to our children’s future, from the UN’s Agenda 21.

Finally… finally… it’s starting to happen.

What has changed?

Elected officials – the ones charged with developing policies for our communities and our state governments are starting to listen.

In fact, many aren’t simply listening, they are openly seeking me out to teach them how to stop Agenda 21 policies.

Let me give you some examples.

As I reported a few months ago, I addressed a legislative committee in Maine to give them the background and origin of some of the anti-property rights – pro-Agenda 21 policies they are facing.

I assure you they had never heard much of what I told them. I could tell by the shocked looks on some of their faces. The room was very quiet when I finished.

Now, in the past month I have made two important trips to Michigan. I have given talks to over 500 people in several parts of the state. In those audiences there have been state legislators, city councilmen and county commissioners, in addition to activists like you and me.

Several have come to me after the talks and said they wanted to learn more. After hearing me speak, one state representative told me he had voted for some of these policies and at that time had no idea how dangerous they were.

He has now invited me to the state capital in Lansing to meet with several other legislators to create a “Freedom Coalition” so they can work together to introduce effective legislation to stop the growth, reach and  cost of government.

I will be returning to Michigan to have that meeting soon.

I then had a meeting with a County Township Supervisor. He has been trying to fight these policies and now wants me to address a full meeting of Township Supervisors from across the state.

I have also been approached to address new County Commissioners and the Planning Board of a very rural area in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. There, pro-freedom activists succeeded in electing new Commissioners who understand the threat. They then put the right people on the local planning board. Now they want me to help them make sure Agenda 21 plans are stopped in their county.

These are the people who have been targeted by the Planners, the NGOs and the federal officials to enforce Agenda 21 policies. The elected officials have been pressured, threatened and nearly run over by these pro Agenda 21 forces. But some of the officials are starting to wake up to the reality of Agenda 21. They want to stop it.

These are astounding actions taking place in Michigan. I have never seen anything like it. These are victories for us! But it doesn’t stop there. I’m seeing similar stirrings across the nation.

I’ve been invited to Kansas to address local officials in that state.

And I have been approached by activists in Delaware and Connecticut.

Meanwhile, I have been working with a very effective state legislator in Washington. He is succeeding in creating an effective plan and strategy to pass effective legislation in that state. I need to spread his ideas across the nation.

As you might know, I have been trying to raise the necessary funds to sponsor a training seminar for both activists and elected officials. The plan was for them to be able to meet around the table and work out a legislative plan that could then be taken to every state in the nation.

There has been great interest from officials for such a plan.

However, to date I have failed to raise enough money to do that.

But I’m not defeated. Far from it!

To get things started, I am planning to produce an Internet webinar specifically for these elected officials who have expressed an interest in learning tactics and creating legislation to fight back.

Yes, I’d rather have them all together in a room, around the table where they can network and interact with each other. But this is a start. It can get the conversation going.

The webinar cost is much less and it will help us begin to move forward.  And we must move forward because the threat from Agenda 21 policy is getting more dangerous every day.

The new arm of Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, clearly reveals the frightening goal of global governance and how they intend to achieve it. The Sustainablists are determined to finish the job as fast as possible.

And Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFH) is the worst assault we have yet faced. It’s pure social engineering that will not only destroy property rights – but also will mean the end of local representative rule as HUD agents dictate policy.

The only way to stop that is by teaching local representatives the dangers and, more importantly, how to stop it.

That’s what I intend to do.

My first step is to produce a special report on the HUD AFFH Rule,  specifically written for elected officials so they can clearly see the dangers to every community.

My second step will be the production of the special training webinar for the elected officials. I have a fantastic team of experts (including elected officials to do the training).

Third, I will also begin again to produce monthly webinars for activists – as we did last year. We had over 1,000 activists participate in each of the ten I hosted, featuring some of the most effective leaders in the nation fighting Agenda 21.  Now I have lots of new information and tactics to teach them.

And finally, I am going to step up my efforts to personally meet with as many elected officials as possible in every state. This is key to our winning the battle to stop the federal takeover of our cities and our private property.

This is my mission. I’ve dedicated my life to stopping Agenda 21. And after being a lone voice for the better part of 24 years, I can proudly see hundreds of new spokesmen taking up the cause and thousands of activists joining in the fight. We’ve made the fight against Agenda 21 a national movement.

And now, we finally have the missing piece we’ve needed all along – elected officials who understand the dangers and want to take action to stop it in their communities.

I already have the invitations to travel to Michigan, Kansas, Delaware and Connecticut.

I am also working with activists in Ohio, Florida, Montana and Washington. They all want me to come to their state to educate activists and elected representatives. But because of lack of funds they haven’t been able to invite me

Will you help me to make this happen? A contribution will help me travel to several states to meet with elected officials.

A gift will help me print the special report on HUD’s AFFH Rule and get it into the hands of these officials.

That one report, reproduced in booklet form, will help set off a fire storm of activity and protest in every state.  Your gift will make it happen!

Will you please send a contribution to my American Policy Center right now so I can begin to organize these webinars and prepare the materials I’ll need for my meetings with these elected officials?

Click here to make a donation now

I’ve been in the fight for 24 years. I have never seen a better opportunity to turn the tables on the forces who are destroying our property rights and working to change our representative system of government through Agenda 21.

Americans across the country are fed up. They are angry. And they are finally starting to listen to my warnings. The time is NOW!

I believe I have an effective, efficient plan stop them, but I need your financial help to make it happen. I hope you will stand with me.


Tom DeWeese

Click here to make a donation now

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.