American Policy Center – New Voices and Growing!

I’m excited to report that the American Policy Center (APC) is growing as our impact and influence are having more of an effect on the nation’s political debate than anytime in our thirty one year history. Through a huge presence in radio programs, issue papers, and public appearances, APC has almost single-handedly made the issue of Agenda 21 one of the most discussed subjects in the nation.

In January, 2018, APC plans to roll out its biggest project ever, intended to make the assault on private property rights a central issue at all levels of government. It will begin with the launching of a new book entitled “Sustainable, the War on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals.” To follow the book’s release will be the establishment of a new property rights network of organizations, elected officials and individual activists. Each will be promoting solutions and strategies for positive approaches to influence and change public policy for property rights protection, from the inner cities to the Great Plains. The launch will include regular training webinars featuring some of the nations leading experts and most effective activists, who will share their experiences in fighting Agenda 21 policy.

Obviously a project of this magnitude will create an even larger demand than ever for APC spokesmen to travel the country and address organizations, elected officials and radio audiences. To meet that need, I am pleased to announce that new APC leaders and expert voices are stepping forward.

First, Kathleen Marquardt, who has served as APC’s Vice President since 2000, is stepping up her APC action and leadership role. In addition to her regular duties in writing the APC on-line News Wire, Kathleen will now take to the speaking circuit to address local and state groups about Agenda 21 and its assault on property rights.

Kathleen is well qualified for this effort. Before joining the American Policy Center she was founder and president of Putting People First, one of the original groups to expose the dangers of the radical animal rights movement. She is author of the best selling book, “Animal Scam.” Through that effort, she was one of the leaders of the Wise Use movement. It was the first coalition to take on the fight against the radical environmental movement as it was destroying western farms, ranches and the timber industry – even before Agenda 21 was created. She’s a dedicated veteran of the Eco wars. Kathleen resides in Tennessee and will primarily cover speaking invitations in southern and western areas of the nation.

Second, I am excited to announce that well-known activist Hal Shurtleff is joining with APC as one of our expert speakers. Hal is the co-founder and director of Camp Constitution. He was born and raised in Boston, where he currently resides. He is a U.S. Army Veteran who served a tour of duty with the U.S. Ariborne. Since 2011 he has conducted over 300 presentations on Agenda 21, from Ft. Kent, Maine, to Valparaiso, Indiana. Hal has visited towns and city halls documenting evidence of Agenda 21. He has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows and is currently host of Camp Constitution Radio. He and his wife home school his five children. Hal will primarily over speaking invitations in North East areas of the nation.

These two outstanding representatives will allow APC’s voice to spread like never before. I, of course, will also continue to travel the nation, speaking and appearing on radio and TV as I have done for the past thirty years. But their assistance will also allow me to devote more time to writing and producing APC papers and activist tools for the coming fights.

Finally, I am pleased to announce a new member to the American Policy Center Board of Directors. My long time right hand, CJ has agreed to fill the position on the APC Board as Secretary, to fill the vacancy caused by the passing of my wife, Carolyn DeWeese. CJ is a master at marketing. He is my technical rock who keeps APC programs operating efficiently and effectively. As a member of the Board he will join with me and Kathleen, along with fellow board members John Meredith and Dr. Bonner Cohen.

Both John and Bonner have been with APC from the very beginning. Both started as APC employees. John served as our Capitol Hill director, meeting with Congressional Members and staff, representing our positions. Last year he was names one of the top 100 Most Influential Black Republicans. Bonner was the creator and editor of an early APC publication called EPA Watch. It was the first publication to ever tackle the massive over reach of the EPA. Today Bonner serves in positions with several major Capital Hill groups, plus he writes, appears on radio and attends many UN international meetings, helping to report the truth from those gatherings. Each of these men will take major roles in the upcoming APC projects.

This, then, is the stronger and growing American Policy Center. I am honored to have all of these incredible leaders working with me as we move forward. To contact us, book speakers and to learn more about APC’s upcoming projects contact us.

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.