09 Mar Free Speech in Danger! Congress to Vote Tomorrow
Friends of APC, what I’m about to tell you is of serious importance. I won’t mince words, because we all need to act quickly.
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 13th of February, Congress is going to vote on the “Shays-Meehan” Campaign Finance bill (H.R. 380). It is sponsored by Reps. Christopher Shays (R-CT) and Martin Meehan (D-MA). This bill is one of the most tyrannically poisonous bills to come down the pike in a long time. Let me tell you why.
Shays-Meehan will make it illegal for organizations like the American Policy Center, the NRA, or any other non-profit group to communicate with its members 60 days before elections. That means no more APC Sledgehammer. That means I can’t tell you what certain members of Congress are doing on issues that are important to you. That means you aren’t allowed to be informed!
This is a dream bill for incumbent Liberals in Congress. It protects them from criticism. It allows them to operate under the cover of night without being held accountable for their actions. But most of all, it takes away your right to free speech and YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW!
We don’t elect Kings in this country. We elect Congressmen. Sadly—DANGEROUSLY—many of our Representatives don’t know the difference. It’s urgent that you tell them—TODAY.
**Action to Take**
1. Call your Representative IMMEDIATELY. Call him or her two, three or four times if you can. Demand that he or she vote AGAINST Shays-Meehan! Hit them where is hurts. Let them know that if they vote for Shays-Meehan, they’ll lose your vote in the next election. Call the Capitol Hill House Switchboard at (202) 225-3121. Simply ask for your Representative by name.
2. Click here to send this Action Alert to up to ten of your friends.