For Freedom – E- Verify System Must Be Stopped

Urgent Effort Needed NOW

July 30, 2008

Action Alert! Action Alert!

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Big Brother’s forces of tyranny are making a major push in Congress right now to re-authorize E-Verify.

This massive data bank essentially will dictate who can be hired in this country. It is the brainchild of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and is an electronic employment verification (EEV) program.

The plan is to make E-Verify mandatory for all American workers. E-Verify is hugely flawed, and will have devastating effects on both naturalized U.S. citizens, as well as those who were native-born, if it is not stopped. We stand in a narrow window of opportunity – if E-Verify is not re-authorized in both houses before the September adjournment, the program will expire in November.

One man, Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) has taken a stand to stop E-Verify. He has put a Senate hold on the reauthorization legislation — and he needs our immediate, vocal, and continuous support to stand up to massive forces who are lying to you about this dangerous program.

You and the American Policy Center have had a tremendous impact on the illegal alien debate. Your efforts have placed substantive roadblocks not only in the paths of those seeking amnesty for criminal invaders, but also those seeking to register every working American.

Yet there are now multiple bills, in both the House and Senate, aimed at re-authorizing the flawed E-Verify program. If successful, any one of these bills will shackle U.S. citizens to a hugely-flawed national database that:

  • will not safeguard the United States from terrorists;
  • will not preserve what’s left of our Rule of Law; and
  • will further decimate our liberty.

APC stands opposed to Big Brother’s surveillance over our lives – no matter the reason. As Benjamin Franklin so sagely opined, “They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.” The United States already has laws on the books to prevent the lawbreaking and abuse directed at our nation and her citizens; they need only be enforced. Americans must not be herded into DHS’ surveillance system because of these lawbreakers, or for any other excuse.

The E-Verify program currently mandates that all federal agencies and all federal sub-contractors must use the E-Verify System in order to hire new employees. One major problem with E-Verify is that DHS first checks a worker’s eligibility through the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Numident database.

The fact is, SSA never purges a Social Security number once it is assigned. The Numident database currently contains 435 million records; more than 100 million more than the nation’s total population, legal or otherwise. In December 2006, the SSA Inspector General reported approximately 18 million of these records are not accurate. Yet DHS wants E-Verify re-authorized, and made mandatory for the entire American workforce. Just imagine the disruption already suffered by millions of American citizens as they try to work and support their families. That hardship will only grow much worse if E-Verify is re-authorized and made mandatory for every working American citizen.

It is outrageous to propose that the very foundation of our great nation – the hard working, legal Americans, must now submit to having their personal information placed in a massive DHS database, and be registered in a DHS worker registry, before being authorized to work in our own country. This is an outrage! And the presumption that DHS can better find millions of illegal, undocumented workers by first herding them together with a hundred+ million legitimate workers is absurd.

A study by the Cato Institute found the E-Verify program to be ineffective, intrusive, and expensive. “A full-fledged Electronic Employment Verification (EEV) system has many practical and technical problems – to say nothing of the question of whether it is appropriate for a free country – and would still fail to prevent illegal immigration” says Jim Harper, Cato’s director of Information Policy Studies. Mr. Harper further stated, “The things necessary to make a system like this really impervious to forgery and fraud would convert it from an identity system into a cradle-to-grave biometric tracking system.”

E-Verify sets the stage for a national workforce management system, designed ultimately to subject all of us to an intrusive global surveillance system.

E-Verify will not prevent illegals from working in the United States, but rather help identify illegals the government wants converted to “authorized aliens.”

Such a national human resource management system is highly desired by big business, and has been under implementation since the 1990s. Federal executive involvement is nothing less than fascism.

It is an unjustified and unwarranted intrusion into our privacy, and a very real threat to our security and liberty!

Please be warned: There are forces now pushing for your support of the E-Verify system, telling you that it is necessary for tough enforcement to protect us from illegal immigration and terrorism. They are lying! If you support freedom over fascism then you must help stop the E-Verify System


1. It is imperative you immediately contact Senator Robert Menendez. Tell him:

  • Stand your ground; oppose re-authorization of E-Verify!
  • Oppose any electronic employment verification program for American citizens.

And please thank Senator Menendez for taking the heat he is on this vital issue!

2. Call your state’s two U.S. Senators and tell them you OPPOSE re-authorization of the E-Verify System.

United States Capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.

Hurry. There is no time to lose.

With Congress’ August recess looming, letters sent via the US mail may not arrive in a timely fashion. We recommend you call, email and fax Senator Menendez. His contact information is listed below:

317 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
202.228.2197 fax


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Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.