Freedom Action Conference Update #3

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New developments for the upcoming Freedom Action National Conference

Radio Row: Several national radio shows will be broadcasting live from the Conference, including Sam Bushman’s Liberty Round Table, Laurie Roth’s the Roth Show, Kaye Beach’s AxXiom for Liberty and Ernest Hancock’s program “Declare Your Independence.” More will be announced shortly.

Reception for Tom Woods: Friday night’s banquet speaker is best selling author Tom Woods (“Meltdown”, and his latest, “Nullification”). There will be a special reception in his honor, where conference attendees will have the chance to talk with him personally. Also present at the reception will be conference Keynote speaker Michael Badnarik, (2004 Libertarian presidential candidate and author of the book, “It’s Good to be King.”) and Sheriff Richard Mack (author of “From My Cold Dead Fingers”). There will be book signings from these and other authors throughout the Freedom Action National Conference.

Special screening of the film “Don’t Tread on Me:” Film maker Gary Franchi is pleased to announce there will be a special screening of his new film, to take place on the first night (August 12th) of the Freedom Action National Conference. Immediately following the screening, several spokesmen who are featured in the film will be on hand to discuss it and answer questions from the audience.

Michael Badnarik will present his popular Constitution Class: On Sunday, August 15th, the day after the Freedom Action Nation Conference, the class will be held in the same room as the Conference. Attendees will have a special opportunity to attend both in the same weekend. To sign up for Michael’s class, go to his website

The Freedom Action National Conference is sponsored by the American Policy Center and The DeWeese Report and 23 co-sponsoring organizations. The conference will take place August 12 – 14, 2010, at the Dolce Hotel in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

Local action, from strengthening State 10th Amendment rights, to exposing the efforts of UN-based organizations in our local communities, like the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) will be the focus of the Freedom Action Conference.

The Freedom Action National Conference will teach you several ways to do that.

You will learn from leading spokesmen, legislators, and activists. And you will have a chance to learn in special work shops, and to network with leaders from around the nation.

You will focus on the vital issues of the day, including the dangerous policies like Sustainable Development; biometric surveillance and the growth of Fusion Centers; violations of Second Amendment rights; violations of Constitutionally-guaranteed state sovereignty; the growing government takeover of health care and the use of natural supplements and cures; the reasons why a Constitutional Convention now is the wrong solution at the wrong time; and how many of these bad policies are being enforced through the power and wealth of organized labor.

Tom DeWeese and Laurie Roth will serve as co-hosts for the event.  Featured speakers will begin with a keynote address by Constitution expert Michael Badnarik, followed by an extensive lineup of experts and national spokesmen, including: Sheriff Richard Mack; Washington State Rep. Matt Shea; Oklahoma State Rep. Charles Key; Pennsylvania St. Rep. Sam RohrerLarry Pratt; International ID expert Mark Lerner; Constitutional Convention experts Chuck Michaelis and Larry Greenley; IRS experts Steve Hempfling and Tom Cryer; Illegal Immigration expert Jeff Lewis;Global Warming expert Marc Morano; United Nations Expert William Jasper; Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 experts Dr. Michael Coffman, Tom DeWeese and Michael Shaw; Property Rights champion Dan Byfield; Health Freedom experts Dr. Jane Orient, Scott Tips and Dr. Jeff Marrongelle;  Education expert and author Beverly Eakman; Local campaign expert Barry Sheets, grassroots activist Amanda Teegarden,  and alternative media experts George Shepherd, Gary Franchi and radio personality Sam Bushman.

These experts will not only educate on the vital threats Americans are now facing, but will also focus on action all of us can use to fight back.

  • The 10th Amendment movement is catching fire as state legislators are finding ways to add “teeth” to law rather than mere resolutions.
  • Rep. Matt Shea will explain how it’s being done.
  • Sheriff Richard Mack is teaching local sheriffs that they have the power to say no to federal agents.
  • Local communities are learning how to expel international provocateurs like ICLEI. Michael Shaw will explain how it’s done.
  • A new approach to fighting against federal and state intrusion called “Coordination,” is having tremendous success in helping regain local control. Expert Dan Byfield will not only tell of those victories but will also lead a workshop to teach how it’s done.
  • Barry Sheets will lead a training workshop to teach new activists how to run campaigns on very little money.
  • And Beverly Eakman will train activists how to break up the outrageous consensus meetings that are being used in public forums to enforce policy without public discussion and debate. All of these processes lead to diminishing the power of the Federal Government – all based on local action – just like the Constitution intends.

The Freedom Action National Conference is shaping up to be the finest lineup of speakers and leaders assembled for any conference of this size anywhere in America.

Be there!

Sign up today and get the $60 early bird savings – The early bird rate has been extended until July 30th.  And for the first time, there is a special “couples rate” for full registrations.  There are special rates for every budget – student rates, day rates, dinner rates – designed to fit your budget.

Go directly to the web site at to see the full conference schedule and to register. Or call the American Policy Center at 540-341-8911.

The conference will also be live-streamed and a full DVD set will be available. If you can’t attend, you don’t have to miss anything. For all the details and registration to

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.