Urgent – SPLC caves to pressure

Urgent UPDATE!

Yesterday, I issued a Sledgehammer Action Alert on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s renewed attacks against Conservatives, including the American Policy Center (APC).

Dr. Ben Carson was the latest to be placed on SPLC’s “Extremist Watch List” simply because he spoke out against Obamacare and opposed same-sex marriage.

You and I were able to put so much public pressure on SPLC that it has now removed Dr. Carson from the Extremist list, saying “as we’ve come under intense criticism for doing so, we’ve reviewed our profile and have concluded that it did not meet our standards….”

Of course – neither Dr. Carson, nor I deserve to be labeled extremists simply because we have opposing views to this far left hate group.

But, as I stated yesterday in my action alert, the real point is that the SPLC is dangerous to each and every one of us  because the SPLC is under contract to the Department of Homeland Security to help set the rules for who is labeled a domestic threat in America.

The SPLC says that threat is you and me!!!!!

That’s why you and I must increase our demands that the U.S. Congress immediately begin an investigation of the relationship between the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Department of Homeland Security.

So, Again, I am reissuing my petition to Rep. Michael McCaul (TX), Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.  This petition demands an immediate investigation into the activities of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

It’s urgent that Chairman McCaul hear from you today.

Sign the petition

Clearly, the Southern Poverty Law Center is dangerous to freedom.

Chairman McCaul has said that his mission “is to fix the Department of Homeland Security to ensure it’s capable of carrying out its core mission of protecting the homeland.”

He can’t do that if DHS is contracting with a dangerous hate group like SPLC.  

Now with Republicans firmly in charge of both Houses of Congress, I believe Chairman McCaul will give you and me a fair hearing against the SPLC threat.

If he receives enough demands for a hearing – I’m sure he will do it. You and I must force those hearings – our freedom depends on it!

To get that hearing – we need at least 100,000 signed petitions

The American Policy Center (APC) must stand up against these tyrants and I need your immediate help to stop them.

Please sign your petition to Chairman McCaul today.

Sign the petition

Our pressure campaign has already succeeded in forcing the SPLC itself to remove Dr. Carson from its Extremist list.  

Now we need to increase our pressure on Congress
to take action!

To do that I need your immediate help.

Please make a contribution to APC for at least $25 or $50 so that we can spread this urgent message and get signed petitions from thousands of activists across the country.

We must expose and fight the Southern Poverty Law Center and stop their assault on our liberty.

I can only fight this battle with your financial support.

I have already mailed over 10,000 letters to Americans across the nation exposing the SPLC and asking them to sign our petition to Congress.

I am also issued over 20,000 action alerts.

But to get 100,000 signed petitions to demand Congress takes action — I need to reach more Americans.

I can only do that with your help.

Please send your most generous contribution today so we can stop the tyranny of this outrageous hate group.

The SPLC is a dangerous group, guilty of the hate it claims to fight. It is trying to take away the Constitutional rights of Americans who simply don’t agree with the radical left positions of the SPLC.

And that kind of threat from a private group like SPLC has no place inside the Department of Homeland Security.

The SPLC is a threat to you and me only because it’s so closely tied to one of the federal government’s most powerful agencies – the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

And that’s why Congress must investigate those ties and influence SPLC has over government policy.

Please do not delay.  I desperately need your financial support to fight this powerful and dangerous force against our freedoms.  There’s no time to lose. Please send at least $25 today.

Sign the petition

Make a donation to APC

Tom DeWeese / President

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.