06 Feb STOP AFFH: Get S.103 to Trump’s Desk
I have a vital update for you on our battle to stop the HUD assault on private property.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah has just introduced a new bill to stop the AFFH Rule.
This bill MUST be passed in Congress!
That’s why it’s URGENT that you sign the attached petition to Senator Mike Lee right now!
Let me explain:
Last year, the federal agency – Housing and Urban Development (HUD) began enforcing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule,” (AFFH).
This was Barack Obama’s most radical assault on American private property rights and locally elected governments.
It’s actually worse than Obamacare!
The AFFH Rule is designed to destroy your property RIGHTS.
The AFFH Rule will destroy your property VALUES.
The AFFH Rule will destroy whole neighborhoods.
And the AFFH Rule will virtually erase the very concept of local rule by the people you have elected to run your city and county – overriding them through the dictates of federal agents.
Here are the facts.
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing requires EVERY community that applies for HUD grants to perform massive demographic analyses locally and regionally to determine if there are enough low income and minority people living in every neighborhood.
HUD will search the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin and much more.
If there aren’t enough of each category to satisfy HUD’s vague rules, HUD will claim that the community is in violation! Next, HUD will file law suits against the community to enforce its will. HUD is already doing this in many communities across the nation.
This is social engineering at its worst.
And HUD will demand such an assessment of every neighborhood every five years!
You will have no choice of the kind of neighborhood you wish to live in.
You will see your property values plummet. Your equity in the home you have worked so hard to create will be lost.
And even worse – AFFH is the total destruction of your locally elected government. Home rule in America will die under AFFH.
If you think AFFH will not apply to your community – you are wrong!
It won’t matter who you elect to city council or county commission. Even if you elect people who are opposed to AFFH and the HUD invasion.
HUD is already pouring over the last census reports to map out their strategy for your neighborhood.
In each step HUD maintains control.
And more…
As I’ve been warning you about Agenda 21 for over 20 years, nearly every community in the nation has already put together their comprehensive plans to impose Sustainable Development Smart Growth policy that controls development, energy use, water use, and enforces public transportation over your private use of your car.
In every one of those communities that have put these plans in place – they have taken HUD grants to pay for it.
Now my worst fears have become reality. The federal government, through AFFH, is becoming nothing less than a dictatorship.
As I have issued my warning over the years, people laughed when I said Sustainable Development turned your communities into little Soviets? Well – here it is!
AFFH is redistribution of wealth.
AFFH is destruction of private property ownership.
AFFH is a top down dictatorship that destroys local control.
But let’s not beat around the bush. Let’s call AFFH what it really is!
Can it be stopped?
But you must take action today – right now!!!!
Here’s how.
Senator Mike Lee is a huge opponent of the AFFH Rule.
That’s why, as soon as the new 115th Congress began, he immediately introduced the “Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act” (S.103).
The Bill’s specific purpose is to defund AFFH and restore local home rule to your city council and county commission.
That’s why it’s URGENT that you sign the petition in support of Senator Lee’s S.103 Bill.
He must be able to show the rest of the Senate that he has the support of the American people to pass this Bill.
Senator Lee introduced the same Bill that into the Senate last year. But with Barack Obama serving as president there was simply no hope that it would be signed into law, even if it passed the Senate.
But now we have Donald Trump in the White House and he supports defunding AFFH. He will sign the Bill — if it reaches his desk.
S.103 must be passed in the Senate. And I have been assured that Representative Paul Gosar from Arizona will then lead the Bill through the House of Representatives and get it to President Trump’s desk for signing.
We are this close to wiping out one of the worst actions taken by Barack Obama!
That’s why it is URGENT that you take three actions right now.
First, sign the attached petition to Senator Mike Lee giving your support to his Bill – the Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act (S.103). He needs thousands of signed petitions in support of his amendment to show other members of the Senate that he has strong support from the American people.
Second, call your two U.S. Senators and demand that they support S.103. Also, ask them to also sign on as a co-sponsor. Tell them we must stop funding for AFFH to restore private property rights and local home rule in America.
Click here for a directory of phone numbers
Third, please send an emergency contribution to me at the American Policy Center so I can lead this fight to stop AFFH. As you know, APC has been the leader in the fight to stop Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. There will be an option to make a donation on the petition.
The fight to stop AFFH is our most important battle in that fight. If we loose the effort to stop AFFH, then we will have no ability to stop Agenda 21. It’s that simple! I must have your financial support to stay in this fight.
Please take these actions right now. You and I must build support to pass S.103 or our private property and local rule are lost.
Thank you,
Tom DeWeese