Tom Deweese joins Brannon Howse on Mike Lindell’s new “FrankSpeech” network

I want to share a video of an interview I did recently with Brannon Howse on Mike Lindell’s new “FrankSpeech” network.

American Policy Center’s outreach and influence is growing across the nation. Many news outlets are starting to pick up our articles for publication, or request interviews. My articles appear regularly in such sites as News With Views and Richard Viguerie’s Conservative News Headquarters. I was also recently interviewed on NewsMax television. I am regularly interviewed by a host of radio programs across the nation, including VCY America and the Chuck Wilder program in California, to name just a very few.

The most often-heard comment about APC today is that we have been on the front lines exposing the very policies that are now being enforced through the radical leftist-controlled Congress, including Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the Green New Deal, and the Great Reset. We saw it coming over thirty years ago and, finally today, more and more in the honest news media are using APCs articles and expert knowledge to help alert their audiences.

Through all of those years, when we were ignored, accused of spreading conspiracy theories, and denied major media and conference stages, we kept fighting, never backing down. That’s because I had no doubt that we were right. Now our proof is in well displayed in the tyrannical Biden agenda.

The only way APC was able to survive in those very difficult times was because of the dedicated support of patriots like you. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your loyal and generous support of APC.  I hope you will continue to stand with me.

And I’m excited to tell you that we are just getting started. In fact, we are working on what may be the biggest project we have ever attempted. And, if successful, APC will be unstoppable in getting out the truth and providing the solutions to restore our precious Republic. Just watch for Catching Fire News! It’s coming soon!

I hope you enjoy this interview with Brannon Howse.

Yours in Liberty

Tom DeWeese


Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.