How is man the better for all this toiling of his, here under the sun? Age succeeds age, and the world goes on unaltered. Sun may rise and sun may set, but ever it goes back and is reborn. Ecclesiastes 1:3-5 Parag Khanna, in his book, “Connectography”, talks about...

Tom asked me to put together a piece on the lunacy of today’s youth. Because I have no imagination, I am sticking with stories I have found showing what is going on in today’s world of those younger than maybe 35. As I see it,...

On May 1, 1974, the United Nations adopted a resolution “. . . to study for the first time the problems of raw materials and development, devoted to the consideration of the most important economic problems facing the world community, . . .. In June of 1976,...

ICLEI, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, is now called Local Governments for Sustainability so that people won’t know that this is an international organization pretending to be a local one. ICLEI just put out its USA 2016 Report calling for a reduction of global average...

Freedom cannot exist in an administrative form of government. H. Lamb Because so many of us who are trying to stop the theft of our private property and the destruction of local control of our communities have been in this battle for so long, we forget...

“The great lesson of the group process, in which all others are involved, is that particularism, however magnified, is no longer possible. There is no magic by which selfishness becomes patriotism the moment we can invoke the nation. The change must be this: as we...

APC Vice President Kathleen Marquardt has written of the most important articles yet produced describing sustainable development and its radical origins. This is important research. Your local Officials need this background as they are forced to deal with planners and NGOs. Please share widely. Tom...