‘Green Ammunition’ Destroys US Military Weapons Center Warns it Makes US Dependent on Red China

The March issue of the American Policy Center’s newsletter, The DeWeese Report, warns the United States Army is “undergoing a colossal overhaul in ammunition manufacturing. They are ditching traditional ammunition”; bullets made of lead and tank shells of depleted uranium, in favor of “environmentally safe” ammunition made of tungsten.

An article by Peyton Knight, the Center’s director of development, exposes a new effort by the Clinton Administration to degrade existing weapons and leave the U.S. dependent on the world’s largest source of Tungston, Red China. Here are the reasons Knight cites:

(1) Tungsten is infinitely more expensive than lead.

(2) Tungsten bullets will wreak havoc on the standard issue M-16 rifles because lead, being a softer metal, will not destroy the inner barrel or bore of the rifle. Tungsten, the hardest known metal, will ruin every rifle in every fighting soldier’s hand.

(3) Lead bullets use far less energy to manufacture whereas tungsten requires more than ten times the heat to melt and pour into molds, thus wasting huge amounts of energy.

(4) Tank shells made from tungsten have less range than those made from depleted uranium, meaning, of course, they have to get closer to fire at the enemy while ruining the barrels of the cannons.

(5) The US has no tungsten reserves, but the People’s Republic of China has an estimated 40% of the world’s tungsten reserves. Our military would be dependent on a potential enemy for our ammunition supply!

“This Clinton Administration directive effectively destroys our existing weapons systems, makes this nation vulnerable to its enemies, and puts the lives of our soldiers at greater risk,” said Tom DeWeese, president of the Center.

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center and National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow) working to help local activists organize into Freedom Pods (www.CFACT.org). He is also the author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.