School-to-Work will:

1. Inject the federal government into developing school curriculum (and standards) to meet the needs of business;

2. Force students to choose “career pathways” no later than 10th grade;

3. Mandate the integration of all curricula for all students in all grades with “workforce training” and proper “worker attitudes”;

4. Mandate “school-based and work-based” learning for all students;

5. Award skills certificates (called Certificates of Initial Mastery) based on “performance based assessments”;

6. Establish a new form of governance — methods for circumventing local control and cut state legislators almost entirely out of the decision-making loop;

7. Infringe on the rights of parents to direct the lives of their children, including education and career choices;

8. Collect massive data on children and families;

9. Demand a radical shift in “attitudes, values and beliefs” of everyone involved;

10. Give group grades for group work – not reward individual achievement and excellence;

11. Place students in paid and unpaid work experience;

12. Reimburse employers up to 50% of student’s wages (at taxpayer expense);

13. Re-train teachers to become mentors or facilitators (not experts or educators);

14. Use the “Less is More” approach using “constructivist” learning;

15. Promote Heterogeneous Grouping – “smart” students teach slower learners–peer tutoring; and peer review;

16. Promote a grading system that uses A, B, I (Or IP – In Progress). No F’s;

17. Stress Global Citizenship instead of U. S. Citizenship.

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.