29 Mar School-to-Work will:
1. Inject the federal government into developing school curriculum (and standards) to meet the needs of business;
2. Force students to choose “career pathways” no later than 10th grade;
3. Mandate the integration of all curricula for all students in all grades with “workforce training” and proper “worker attitudes”;
4. Mandate “school-based and work-based” learning for all students;
5. Award skills certificates (called Certificates of Initial Mastery) based on “performance based assessments”;
6. Establish a new form of governance — methods for circumventing local control and cut state legislators almost entirely out of the decision-making loop;
7. Infringe on the rights of parents to direct the lives of their children, including education and career choices;
8. Collect massive data on children and families;
9. Demand a radical shift in “attitudes, values and beliefs” of everyone involved;
10. Give group grades for group work – not reward individual achievement and excellence;
11. Place students in paid and unpaid work experience;
12. Reimburse employers up to 50% of student’s wages (at taxpayer expense);
13. Re-train teachers to become mentors or facilitators (not experts or educators);
14. Use the “Less is More” approach using “constructivist” learning;
15. Promote Heterogeneous Grouping – “smart” students teach slower learners–peer tutoring; and peer review;
16. Promote a grading system that uses A, B, I (Or IP – In Progress). No F’s;
17. Stress Global Citizenship instead of U. S. Citizenship.