March 9, 2010
We have stopped this government takeover of health care so far. We are now in overtime and our opponent has the ball on the goal line ready to score! Are you going to walk away now or are you going to stand strong and defend your position so we can win this game? It is our game to win, but it is going to take all of us standing shoulder to shoulder. The time is now or never! We will never have this opportunity again.
Next Tuesday, on March 16th, the people of this country will once again flood Washington, D.C. to have their voices heard. There is more information about that visit below. You can also visit American Grassroots Coalition for additional information on making travel arrangements to Washington, D.C.
If you are mad as hell and want to win this game, then this is what you can do to help the rest of the team. This is a two week plan and we will be adding more information as we progress through the next week. Remember, we must take action every single day! There is no time for rest right now.
Monday, March 8th: Make calls. Send Faxes. Send Emails. You can do all of these things after hours. You can check American Grassroots Coalition for up to the minute target lists and contact information.
Tuesday, March 9th: Moms & Seniors go to local district offices. Take a senior citizen with you. Let them have their voices heard. Moms, tell these staffers at the offices how you feel, and how concerned you are for your family!
Wednesday, March 10th: Medical Professionals (you do not have to be a physician) visit local district offices. Be sure to wear your medical attire. Let these offices know that you are not going to sit back and let the government takeover our health care system!
Thursday, March 11th: Veterans go to local district offices. Our veterans are so special. They have a voice like no one else. Veterans, let these offices know that you fought for her once and you are fighting for her again!
Friday, March 12th: Nationwide rallies at local district offices for 1 hour at 12 noon local. Let’s make it a special point for all of us to go during our lunch hour if at all possible.
**Monday-Friday** Please go anytime you can to visit a local district office! Make it a point to have these offices covered all day. Be sure to sign into the register at the office and take a handwritten letter, such as the one below:
Dear Congressman or Senator,
I do not want you to vote YES on ANY government takeover of health care legislation that is being presented in the House or Senate. You must vote NO.
There should be no compromise when it comes to my life and my health care. There should be no vote for reconciliation.
I am an American citizen and your vote effects me and my family. I expect you to represent my wishes!
Monday, March 15th: Make calls. Send Faxes. Send Emails. You can do all of these things during the day and after business hours.
Tuesday, March 16th: Rally in DC and Nationwide at local district offices. Americans For Prosperity also has sent out an alert to honk at 12 noon that day while you are driving in your car.
If you can’t go to DC on March 16th, please visit your local district offices to have your voices heard and show solidarity with those in DC. Our sources from the Hill tell us that the vote is likely to happen between March 16th and March 18th. If you are able to go to DC, please RSVP here.
If you are doing a rally at your local office please RSVP here, so we can let others know. This is a team effort, and we are part of your team. Whatever you need, please let us know!
Wednesday, March 17th – Friday, March 19th: If you are in D.C., please visit your Representatives and Senators. If you are not in D.C., please continue to visit local district offices! Make calls. Send Faxes. Send Emails. The calls, faxes, and emails can all be done during the day and after business hours.
Saturday & Sunday, March 20th & 21st: Town Halls for March Madness! In August we had some amazing town halls! They really made people and lawmakers stop and think about this health care legislation. Let’s do it again! Host a town hall in your community and invite your Senator and Congressman. More details on this next step will be available on American Grassroots Coalition within the next day or two. Thanks for your patience.
If you are interested in hosting a town hall please contact Jennifer Hulsey at [email protected]. If you have a town hall scheduled please go to www.americangrassrootscoalition.org/states and post your town hall according to your particular state. You may include specifics in the commentary section. We need town halls all across the country. So, please share this information with your family and friends.