Sovereignty Movement Gaining Steam! 74 U.S. Congressmen Vote to Get U.S. Out of U.N.

August 15, 2003

By Peyton Knight

On July 15th, a historic vote took place. Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced an amendment to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act (H.R. 1950) that would have withdrawn U.S. membership in the United Nations. The amendment read:

“Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, none of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act, may be obligated or expended to pay any United States contribution to the United Nations or any affiliated agency of the United Nations.”

In other words, this was a vote on Rep. Paul’s American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 1146), and had this amendment passed, the U.S. would have been rid of the entangling mess that is the U.N. Our sovereignty would have been restored on this front.

Unfortunately, the amendment was voted down 350-74, HOWEVER, 74 votes are the most that H.R. 1146 has ever received! That’s 12 more votes than last year! We have much work ahead of us, but sovereignty advocates are clearly making headway, as more and more elected representatives are hearing the cries of the public to get the U.S. out of the U.N.

Moreover, the 74 who voted in favor of Rep. Paul’s amendment represent a strong coalition for sovereignty, as all but two of them (Reps. Mark Foley and David Obey) voted one week later to bar U.S. funding for UNESCO—another Ron Paul amendment. This clearly indicates that these were solid, principled votes to end U.S. membership in the U.N.

Here’s what Rep. Paul had to say about the vote:

“We’re making progress. The number of Americans—and elected officials—who understand that participation in the United Nations is incompatible with our Constitution is growing. In seeking U.N. support for the war in Iraq, the administration provided us with a vivid lesson in just how political the U.N. really is. People are starting to understand that the UN not only egregiously wastes taxpayer money, but also is actively hostile to America.”

Here is the complete list of Representatives who voted for U.S. withdrawal from the United Nations. If you see your Representative on this list, be sure to call and thank him! If your Representative did NOT vote to withdraw the U.S. from the U.N., call to let him know how he should vote next time! You may call your Representative using the Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 225-3121. Simply ask for your Representative by name.

These are the Congressman who stood up for your sovereignty:

Rep. J. Gresham Barrett (R-SC)
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX)
Rep. Michael Bilirakis (R-FL)
Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT)
Rep. John Boozman (R-AR)
Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX)
Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN)
Rep. Chris Cannon (R-UT)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. John Carter (R-TX)
Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC)
Rep. Mac Collins (R-GA)
Rep. Phillip Crane (R-IL)
Rep. Barbara Cubin (R-WY)
Rep. John Culberson (R-TX)
Rep. Jo Ann Davis (R-VA)
Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA)
Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX)
Rep. Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA)
Rep. John Duncan (R-TN)
Rep. Terry Everett (R-AL)
Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL)
Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL)
Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-VA)
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ)
Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ)
Rep. James Gibbons (R-NV)
Rep. Virgil Goode (I-VA)
Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC)
Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN)
Rep. Ernest Jim Istook (R-OK)
Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX)
Rep. Stephanie Jones (R-OH)
Rep. Ric Keller (R-FL)
Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA)
Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK)
Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-IL)
Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL)
Rep. Jerry Moran (R-KS)
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO)
Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC)
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX)
Rep. Robert Ney (R-OH)
Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA)
Rep. David Obey (D-WI)
Rep. Butch Otter (R-ID)
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN)
Rep. Todd Platts (R-PA)
Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA)
Rep. Adam Putnam (R-FL)
Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ)
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL)
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)
Rep. Edward Royce (R-CA)
Rep. Jim Ryun (R-CA)
Rep. Edward Schrock (R-VA)
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX)
Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ)
Rep. Bud Shuster (R-PA)
Rep. Nick Smith (R-MI)
Rep. Clifford Stearns (R-FL)
Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK)
Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO)
Rep. Gene Taylor (R-MS)
Rep. Charles Taylor (R-NC)
Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS)
Rep. Patrick Tiberi (R-OH)
Rep. Dave Weldon (R-FL)
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)
Rep. Don Young (R-AK)

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center and National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow) working to help local activists organize into Freedom Pods ( He is also the author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.