Urgent! Wrong Information May Lead to Passage of Very Bad Immigration Bill!

Urgent Alert from the American Policy Center

November 14, 2007

Action Alert! Action Alert!

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Some of our allies in the fight to stop illegal immigration are circulating alerts asking you to support the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088). This bill, otherwise known as the “
Secure America Through Verification and Enforcement Act of 2007” is said to have strong bi-partisan support and is on a fast track for passage.

The American Policy Center has read this legislation and is issuing this alert AGAINST the SAVE Act. Here’s why:

*      The SAVE Act does not fund the existing fencing requirement authorized, but not funded, last year by Congress.

* The SAVE Act only authorizes “additional fencing (aesthetic fencing in business districts) in urban areas of the border.”

*    The SAVE Act , instead of fencing,  proposes to strengthen the rest of the border with “vehicle barriers.”

*      The SAVE Act specifies the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will “(contract) with foreign companies” for the Secure Border Initiative, and proposes purchasing of “a contract to manage the operations of a United States port by a foreign entity” (emphasis mine).

*     The SAVE Act will specifically defend a religious denomination for breaking the law by smuggling or harboring illegals and it says “…to encourage, invite, call, allow, or enable an alien who is present in the United States to perform the vocation of a minister or missionary…as a volunteer who is not compensated…notwithstanding the provision of room, board, travel, medical assistance, and other basic living expenses (if that person) has been a member … at least one year.”

*     The SAVE Act states clearly that the “border protection strategy” of the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture “(will support) the border security needs of the United States in the manner than best protects (wait for it) ‘the land’ that DOI and USDA manages. In other words, protecting the environment is to be considered more important than protecting the borders.

*      The SAVE Act establishes mandatory federal employment authorization verification for ALL workers, including American citizens. A Federal data bank on all American workers.

*      The SAVE Act mandates states must create standardized birth and death registrations to be part of the federal database on ALL Americans, including your children. This is a main provision of the Real ID Act – which establishes the national ID card.

*    The SAVE Act does not establish penalties in the form of fines and/or imprisonment for illegal invaders, only for those who interact with them, except a church.

Reading this bill, it is evident that its intent is not to stop the invasion of illegals, but to convert those illegals into “authorized” aliens. Worse, it does advance the pernicious “National Human Resource Management” system that has been implemented piecemeal since the 1990s. DHS is helping establish a cradle-to-grave government database that will track all “human resources” for the benefit of big business. This database will detail not only every American resident’s status (your data will also become part of an international database), but also their work skills.

If you remember, recently DHS Secretary Chertoff said he would not “tolerate interference” with his agency’s programs and actions. True to his word, in total disregard for the U.S. Constitution and States’ rights, the SAVE Act includes a provision stating, “No State may prohibit a person or other entity from using the E-verify program to verify the employment authorization of new hires or current employees.” In short, the bill dictates hiring rules to the states.

We realize it’s unlikely many of you actually read through legislation we ask you to take positions on. You rely on the American Policy Center to get issues right, from the perspective of real, everyday, unapologetic Americans, dedicated to Judeo-Christian ethics and our blessed constitutional republic. We earnestly strive to preserve, protect and defend this nation and her people by telling you the truth as we find it, giving you facts and commentary you’re not likely to read from other sources.

APC has read H.R. 4088 and it’s clear that passage of the SAVE Act will not secure our nation’s borders, will not safeguard her citizens, will not preserve what’s left of our Rule of Law, and will further decimate our economy. For all the reasons outlined above the American Policy Center will not support the SAVE Act, or any other bill pursuing this Agenda. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email through our website www.americanpolicy.org.


It is imperative you immediately call your member of Congress, and tell them to oppose H.R. 4088, also known as the SAVE Act.

Also immediately call Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi; House Majority Whip, Steny Hoyer; House Minority Leader, John Boehner; and House Minority Whip, Roy Blunt. Tell them all to oppose the SAVE Act. This bill may come up for a vote at any time. Call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the House office you request.

The SAVE Act is on a fast track for passage. Many of us who oppose illegal aliens have been encouraged to support it. So many elected officials are getting the false message that this is a good bill. IT IS NOT! It is urgent that you call now to oppose H.R. 4088.

SEND THIS MESSAGE TO AT LEAST TEN MORE PEOPLE! APC is now offering you a quick and easy way to multiply your efforts and help win more battles! Simply click http://www.referralblast.com/rblast.asp?sid=5906 to send this APC Action Alert to up to TEN of your friends! It’s fast, it’s easy and most of all, it’s extremely effective in KILLING OPPRESSIVE POLICIES!

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center and National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow) working to help local activists organize into Freedom Pods (www.CFACT.org). He is also the author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.