Tom DeWeese Endorses Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma

September 14, 2009

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I want to strongly urge all freedom-loving Americans from across the nation to support State Senator Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma.

I have never endorsed a candidate for any office. That’s because most politicians end up disappointing me. They talk a good line on the campaign trail and then forget their supporters when they reach office.

Today I am making a very strong exception to endorse Senator Brogdon.

I have known Senator Brogdon personally since we met at an Oklahoma forum on the Trans Texas Corridor a couple of years ago. That was the day the Senator made his famous warning to the Texas Department of Transportation, telling them they had better plan to build a roundabout in the highway when it reached the Oklahoma border, because that highway was not going to cross the border into Oklahoma.

Those words were more than just good political rhetoric to get a rise out of an audience. Senator Brogdon has become an expert at recognizing legislation designed to sound innocent, but instead serves as a Trojan Horse to lay the ground work for the TTC to cross the Oklahoma border. He has literally blocked every hidden effort, effectively stopping the Trans Texas Corridor from gaining a foot hold in Oklahoma.

He is one elected official who has backed up his rhetoric with action. Most importantly, unlike many elected officials who might conveniently stumble into doing the right thing without knowing why, Senator Brogdon actually understands the game that is being played in legislatures across the nation to implement stealth federal policy.

That’s why he has also been an effective leader in the battle to stop REAL ID and the creation of a surveillance state; he’s led the effort in the Oklahoma Senate to pass the most effective legislation in the nation to restore 10th Amendment state’s rights and sovereignty; he has been an outspoken opponent — against states accepting federal bailout money; and he understands the threat of the radical environmental movement and its destructive policies like Cap and Trade and Sustainable Development.

Senator Randy Brogdon is a true patriot, the kind the TEA Parties are demanding in rallies across the nation. With his election for Governor in Oklahoma, we can truly know we have effectively taken back at least 1/50th of this nation. I am proud to call him my friend.

Now, all Americans who are demanding a revolution at the ballot box that will put an end to the tyranny we now face from an unresponsive, all-powerful government, have a chance to support such a leader in Randy Brogdon –  right now – today.

To win, Senator Brogdon needs money – and you don’t have to live in Oklahoma to give it to him. This Friday, September 18th, Senator Brogdon’s supporters are organizing a money bomb for his campaign for governor. The goal is to bring 2,000 people together to donate $100 each to raise $200,000.

We can do better than that – how about 10,000 at $100 each for a cool million. Do that and we will get a governor in Oklahoma who stands for our principles.

Do it today. Go to and pledge your support for Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma — and start a revolution to take back state houses across the nation!

Please join me in endorsing and supporting my friend, Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma.

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Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center and National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow) working to help local activists organize into Freedom Pods ( He is also the author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.