Sam Rohrer is the TEA Party Candidate for PA Governor

April 8, 2010


State Representative Sam Rohrer is running for governor of Pennsylvania. It is vital that all freedom loving Americans across the nation know that Sam is THE TEA party candidate.

Sam is running against Tom Corbett, the current Attorney General of Pennsylvania. Corbett is a typical Republican insider trying to appeal to the tea party freedom movement. Of course Corbett’s campaign is doing everything possible to paint himself as the conservative candidate in this race – he even takes Sam’s issues as his own. But during debates between the two it is becoming obvious that Corbett has little understanding of the issues and passions of the freedom movement.

Today, I personally and publicly endorse Sam Rohrer. He has been on the American Policy Center Board of Advisors for 10 years. He has been a close friend and we have fought side by side on many issues to preserve liberty to the American people.

  • Sam has been especially vocal in the fight to stop the national ID card and stands as one of the nation’s major spokesmen in the battle to expose and stop the growing government surveillance society.
  • He is leading the effort in Pennsylvania to enact legislation claiming state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over certain powers, which served notice to the Federal Government to cease and desist unconstitutional mandates.
  • He truly believes in and advocates limited government and individual liberty.
  • He has passion for the Constitution and our nation’s unique ideals of liberty.

This alert is both an endorsement of Sam and a call to action. The freedom movement has a chance to elect one of its own as governor of Pennsylvania.  For that to become reality two things need to happen right now.

Action to Take:

First: For freedom fighters who do not live in Pennsylvania – now is the time to contact ANY friends, political contacts, anyone you know in Pennsylvania. Contact them and urge them to get behind Sam’s gubernatorial efforts!

Secondly: The Primary for the governor’s race in Pennsylvania is on May 18th. The Rohrer campaign needs monetary support. As usual, Corbett’s campaign has a full war chest filled by the usual lobbyists and big government advocates. Sam is counting on us to step out and donate. Please donate and tell your friends to do the same – no matter where you live!

Remember, the Primary is May 18th. It is fairly certain that the winner of the Republican primary will win the governor’s race in November. So now is the time to step up and elect one of our own.

For more information on Sam and the issues go to:

Please send this alert to your lists of freedom fighters across the nation and help spread the word for Sam Rohrer.

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center and National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow) working to help local activists organize into Freedom Pods ( He is also the author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.