01 Jul The DeWeese Report is now online!
The DeWeese Report is now available on line at www.deweesereport.com. You won’t have to wait for it to come in the mail, it will be right there in your computer every month at a great savings. The printed version is $65 a year. But the new online version is only $30 per year. And, if you like, you can pay for it on a monthly basis of only $2.99, automatically renewed each month. Or just buy it one issue at a time for that same $2.99. The DeWeese Report has proven time and again to be on the cutting edge of issues like the UN’s Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development; the dangers of government-controlled biometric data bases; the threat of global governance; and the continuing saga of the failed public education system. You’ll find articles on these issues and more every month in The DeWeese Report. Click here for more information and to subscribe.