Thank you from Tom DeWeese

Thanks to you the message of Agenda 21 is racing across the internet. The latest developments are in city council chambers and county supervisor meetings, as local activists are starting to openly question new policies on development. More importantly, they are challenging tactics that block local citizens from asking questions about the policies. In short, the Sustainablists, who thought they were in an easy road to enforce Agenda 21 policy in every American community, have suddenly met a wall of opposition and it’s growing daily.

After 18 years of pushing, in 2010, The American Policy Center has become the eading organization in sounding the alarm and arousing the freedom troops to see that Agenda 21 and its policy called Sustainable Development are at the root of most of the issues we fight today.

Throughout the year I have traveled across the country, speaking to rallies, appearing on radio and television, organizing a national conference, and, of course, pouring out one article after another to reveal the details and threats of Sustainable Development on the local community. As the year progressed, I began to learn effective tactics that activist can use to fight and, so the mission for 2011 will be to bring these tactics to those in the trenches, through a series of training workshops, along with articles and training manuals.

Stopping Agenda 21 and its drive to transform American cities into a soviet style system of governance has become the American Policy Center’s central mission. A mission I intend to carry to victory, and a restored American Republic.

Non of this would have been possible without your generous contributions and your willingness to spread the truth about Agenda 21. I am so thankful for you!

For more details on how the American Policy Center is fighting Agenda 21 click here to read our “On the Front Line” Report.

Have a wonderful new year!

Thank you,

Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center

PS – Help make 2011 our best year yet. Donate today. Click here to donate!

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.