Defense of Environment and Property Act

You and I are on the verge of losing a vital battle to stop the EPA’s reign of terror on property owners.

The only way to win is to strongly demand that more members of the U.S. Senate co-sponsor and support Senator Rand Paul’s new bill.

If we fail, the bill will die.

Let me explain.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, and the Fish and Wildlife Service have become OUTLAW agencies of our federal government.

And it’s time we brought them under control.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has introduced a bill to do just that. It’s called the Defense of Environment and Property Act of 2012 (S. 2122).

Senator Paul’s Bill is vital for the protection of private property and personal freedom. It is a new weapon to stop enforcement of Agenda 21 policies.

It is urgent that you sign the enclosed petition to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urging support for S.2122 so that we can finally put a stop to the outrages of these outlaw agencies.

Why do I call these federal agencies Outlaws?

Because they are making their own rules under the pretext of enforcing federal law, particularly the Clean Water Act. As a result, they are ruining the lives of innocent, law abiding Americans and locking away millions of acres of private land – using the excuse of protecting the environment.

  • They pretend that occasional mud puddles are wet lands that have to be protected.
  • They arrest property owners for simply improving their land, claiming they have violated the Clean Water Act. Many have served prison time for nothing more than putting some fill dirt in a ditch.
  • They block property owners from building on their land.
  • And they issue crushing fines against property owners, even when there is no proven violation.
  • They sneak onto private land looking for violations. And sometimes they even manufacture those violations and then arrest the owners.
  • And when they declare an area of the property to be a wetland, true or not, the property owner can no longer use the land, nor sell it.

This is government out of control.

This is a tyranny orchestrated to enforce the policies of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development.

But you and I can stop it.

We need to build support for Senator Paul’s Bill, “Defense of Environment and Property Act, S.2122.”

His bill defines exactly what a “navigable water way” is. It is not a mud puddle or a temporary runoff of rain water. How sad it is that a Senate Bill has to clarify these definitions for government agencies entrusted to comply with the law.

But that’s what must be done.

Senator Paul’s bill also makes it mandatory that Federal agents get written permission from the property owner to enter the land. No more sneaking!

And finally, Senator Paul’s bill tells the federal government that, if it takes private land, then it has to pay double the value of the land to the landowner.

Why? Because once the government declares that land is a wetland – the property value plummets. Doubling the price will help enforce the “just compensation” provisions of the 5th Amendment to the Constitution.

S.2122 will help stop enforcement of the UN’s Agenda 21 that the EPA and these other federal agencies are working to enforce.

So, please, right now, sign your enclosed “Support S.2122” petition to your U.S. Senator

I need thousands of these signed petitions to build support for the bill.

Remember, we have to force it past Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid – one of the worst violators of American property rights and individual liberties. And he decides what bills are brought to the Senate floor for a vote.

Only by flooding Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office with signed petitions can we bi-pass Harry Reid and force a vote for S.2122. The good news is that Senator Paul is Senator McConnell’s fellow senator from Kentucky. He will help us get a vote if he sees enough support for the bill from Americans nationwide.

But it won’t happen without our efforts!  So please sign your petition today!

And, if you can, please call your two Senators and demand they co-sponsors the bill.  30 co-sponsors would assure the bill would get action. 

And will you also include a contribution to APC with your signed petition? APC has been on the front lines fighting these agencies for many years.

In fact, APC is one of the only organizations that’s been in this fight from the beginning. I have personally worked with some of the victims I’ve described here. I have shared their tears and frustrations and I pledged to get justice for them.

You and I must stop these outlaw agencies before they ruin the lives of more innocent Americans. Your financial support of APC will help make sure that happens.

You have seen what APC can do when we take on a battle. The huge national battle now raging across the nation against Agenda 21 is a direct result of APC’s 18 year fight to expose this massive UN threat. I never gave up. I kept fighting against all odds. And as a result – today we are making huge progress to in stopping Agenda 21.

Your financial support is all I have to wage these battles. No corporations will give us grants because APC is too controversial. Nor will any large foundations – for the same reason.

And that’s OK with me. I much prefer to be supported by dedicated individual contributors like you. That keeps APC independent and much more effective in our fight against the tyrannical forces like the UN and the EPA.

So, please, will you help me lead this battle to pass Senator Rand Paul’s Defense of Environment and Property Act (S.2122) so we can reign in these outlaw agencies.

Whatever amount you can send – I urgently need it today. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will do everything he can to kill S. 2122 so that these outlaw agencies can continue to terrorize American property owners.

With your signed petition to Minority Leader McConnell, and your generous contribution to APC today, we can win. Please join me in this battle to stop these outlaw agencies.

Click here to sign your petition now


Tom DeWeese


P.S. Senator Paul’s bill needs more co-sponsors to stay alive. The best way to get them is to call your two senators and ask them to co-sponsor. Tell them it is vital that we reign in the power of this outlaw agency before it destroys our property rights. I’ve enclosed the phone number for the U.S. Senate switch board on the enclosed reply form. Please do it today.

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.