Protecting Man’s Rights in a Changing World

Every American knows something is very wrong in our nation. Daily, government grows more powerful and intrusive at every level. Many have begun to feel they have no say over their private property or even their own lives.

It started on the international level as various plans, ideas and treaties thoroughly outlined an agenda to completely change and curtail human activity. Most prominent in these plans is one written and delivered by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the UN-sponsored Earth Summit in 1992. It was called Agenda 21. Proponents of the ideas outlined in Agenda 21 say it is just a suggestion with no teeth for enforcement in the United States.

However, since 1992, there has been a definite correlation between the ideas set forth in Agenda 21 and a massive growth of American government under the policy of Sustainable Development – the exact policy outlined in Agenda 21. According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social, and environmental polices in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.  The danger is in how that is to be accomplished in the United States.

Specifically, the Federal government is on a seemingly endless march toward federal rule over farms and local development. A blizzard of Obama-signed Executive Orders has created, among other things, the White House Rural Council, through which some 25 federal agencies are forcing farmers to toe the line in farming and live stock practices. Using a flood of federal grants, the EPA and HUD are succeeding in bypassing state legislatures to control land use and water policy. Industry is banned and permits for oil and gas drilling are refused. The Western part of the nation is now reeling from Federal takeover of precious local water supplies. In nearly every case the excuse is environmental protection. As a result, today, government controls over 50% of all the land in America under the excuse of restoring biodiversity. As these policies are implemented the term Sustainable Development is used prominently.

On the local level, county commissioners and city councils are teaming up with national planning groups that are usually funded and directed by those same federal and state grants. Mandatory Comprehensive Development Plans are forced on communities as a means to control development and reduce energy use under the excuse of global warming. Non-elected boards, councils, and regional governments are put in place, making it more difficult to deal with elected representatives of the people, rendering citizens to feel helpless in trying to deal with the changes. As a result, rules and regulations dictate how much energy you can use for air conditioning and heating. Still more restrictions affect water use and property owners face stiff restrictions on the use of their own land.

However, trying to oppose these policies and implementation practices, simply to protect ones own private property rights has become a daunting task. Those who have tried have found themselves under attack; marginalized; called conspiracy theorists; some even bodily removed from public meetings.

For too long, activists have fought a lonely battle to defend their liberties. It’s time to make the people who are stealing those liberties defend their theft. The battle is about to change.
Introducing the Sustainable Freedom Lab (SFL)
I have been fighting this battle against the growing aggression by government against property owners for more than twenty years. We’ve lost over and over again. But through those defeats I’ve been learning how to win.

Today I am announcing a new partnership with my close associate and fellow activist John Anthony as we present the Sustainable Freedom Lab (SFL). It’s a totally new way to fight Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. We are creating new approaches, new tools, and a new attitude.

Sustainable Freedom Lab is a pro-property rights association. SFL will teach ordinary citizens how to understand national, regional, and local planning programs and the accompanying zoning laws that can rob our personal property rights. We will conduct Internet training programs to teach people to understand regulations and to work with one another and with public officials to arrive at solutions that protect individual property rights.

To begin this new fight to stop Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, SFL will host a series of monthly Internet television shows which will teach new methods and supply new tools for activists across the nation.

On these monthly two hour programs activists will learn new approaches like these:

  • Quick ways to get the attention of your local officials and help set up a meeting with them for further talks.
  • A 3-step Introduction to Agenda 21 to present your case in a sensible manner that makes people want to learn more.
  • A new easy-to-do 10 minute Agenda 21 presentation that appeals to public officials.
  • Receive original documents specifically created for you to present to your local officials that will help win the support of your neighbors.
  • Specific training to fight back against such sustainable programs as Smart Growth, Green Climate Cities, and Sustainable Farming, to name a few.
  • Effective ways to deal with the news media.
  • Learn from some of the most prominent experts across the country, including County Commissioners, State Representatives and International experts on issues like Global Warming, Smart Growth and public education curriculum – all who have been on the front lines, ready to share their expertise.

These monthly Internet programs are designed to help activists from across the nation learn new winnable tactics in shutting down Sustainable Development in your town.

Our approach to elected officials will change. Our full frontal assault on Agenda 21 will be revamped into an effective, quick way to approach the subject while avoiding some glaring pitfalls that are causing activists to turn off elected officials before the battle has even begun.

But Sustainable Freedom Lab (SFL) is much more than a webinar. It is a total process that trains and organizes activist and works directly with elected officials and planners to recognize and stop the threat of sustainable development.

SFL will help elected officials answer their most burning questions as they struggle to deal with their legitimate duties while trying to prevent the enforcement of Agenda 21. How do they know the difference and how do they write legislation to prevent Sustainable Development? SFL will provide sample legislation and training.

Above all, SFL will provide training for planners – leading to SFL certification so that local residents can be assured that those planners can be trusted to protect your property rights in their plans.

Further, our plans call for part of the proceeds from registration fees gathered from the Internet training broadcasts to be used by SFL to:

  • Organize a network of elected officials to help them interface, share, and assist one another as they face identical threats from those working to use them to enforce Sustainable Development. This will help our opposition to grow in an effective and rapid way.
  • Establish a legal defense fund that will pro vide urgent help to those under threat from government agents and their regulations over private property, farms, and ranches.
  • Create “SFL Response Teams” that can rush into an area that finds itself in the thick of battle and in need of immediate help and guidance in organizing to fight back.
  • Create a network of trained field coordinators to travel the nation to help local activists organize their efforts and provide expert training.

Nothing like SFL has ever been possible before because we lacked the funds and the expert manpower to accomplish these goals. It was a great frustration to me during my 20 years of fighting Agenda 21 as I heard the pleas for help, along with the growing frustration and despair. Fro too long I could do nothing to help.

Now, with the creation of SFL, that’s all about to change. We finally have the answers, the tools and the carders of activists we’ve so desperately needs. The SFL plan will turn the tables on the Sustainablists and electrify our movement.

Most exciting will be the new tools and documents that are being created to literally turn the tables on the planners and give the upper hand to those opposing Agenda 21. We have actually field tested some of these ideas with amazing results. The activists presenting the SFL document to the county commissioners said, for the first time she “felt empowered” as she was making her presentation. The reaction from the Commissioners, who had always been hostile and dismissive to her, was a look of “being caught like deer in the headlights.” That’s a new power for our side!  The very first SFL Internet television production will feature that activist and video of her actions before the county commission. We will then teach thousands of activists how to use the method she tested for us.

The first SFL Webcast will air three times in October, beginning on the 9th at 7:oopm. The second airing will be on October 13th at 10:00am and the third airing will be October 14th at 4:00pm in the afternoon. You can view the program right on your computer at home. But activists should not plan to view the program alone. Rather, we urge you to invite 5 or 10 friends and fellow activists to view the airing as a group, perhaps as a program for your regular meetings.  This will help make the information more effective and spread it farther and faster. There is only one connection fee, regardless of the number who view it with you.  For more information and to sign up for the webcast, go to

Our world is changing. It has become a dangerous place for the ideals of our Founding Fathers. The enemies of freedom change their tactics but never their goals. It’s time those of us who are fighting to put government back in its place do the same. To that end, the Sustainable Freedom Lab is about to electrify the freedom movement.

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.