Victories Against Agenda 21

The battle against Agenda 21 is really heating up across the country as property rights activists are using the new American Policy Center tactics that I’ve been supplying.

As a result, reports are coming in from activists and elected officials across the nation of growing battles and even some outright victories in the fight against Agenda 21. Finally we are able to stand up against self appointed stakeholder groups seeking to transform our nation into their private agendas, contrary to the Constitution. Here are just a few of the most recent reports I’ve received:

 1. The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed the Oklahoma Community Protection Act (HB 2807). The bill is designed to nullify Agenda 21 and protect private property rights. I was privileged to help provide some strong property rights language and definitions to make the bill more effective.

The bill is now in the State Senate. It has passed out of the Senate committee with just one vote in opposition. The full Senate vote is coming up soon and it’s being viciously attacked by the usual NGO stake holder groups who do not want private property rights protected. All residents of Oklahoma need to call their state senators to urge support for the Oklahoma Community Protection Act. Let’s end Agenda 21 in 2014.

2. In the Virginia Legislature, after a two year battle, property rights proponents won a major battle with passage of the Boneta Bill.  Virginia SB51 was signed into law, limited the authority to require permits for farmers. The law is the result of Martha Boneta’s two year fight to stand up for her property rights in the face of a county government, strongly influenced by the private conservation group, the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC). The battle began when the County threatened Boneta with a $5,000 a day fine for hosting a little girl’s birthday party in her barn/farm store on her organic farm in Fauquier County, Virginia. Martha refused to obtain such  permit. As a result, her farm store was closed. The PEC, which holds a Conservation Easement on the farm, began to harass Martha with surprise inspections of the property (even demanding to look in her private closets). She was then audited by the IRS (Peggy Richardson, a former IRS Commissioner who lead the Clinton Administration’s attacks on Conservative groups serves on the board of the PEC). SB51 limits the ability of local governments to use such permits to violate private property rights. Martha’s fight gained national news coverage.

Most importantly, the successful battle to pass this bill has given the property rights movement a significant new weapon and has sent shock waves through the radical greens as they learn their power is no longer absolute!

Here’s a song produced by Virginia Right, celebrating Martha’s victory.

3. Good news in NE Ohio — Another victory over Agenda 21 and Regional Planning:  
This resolution passed last month in Geauga County, Ohio. It rejects the Agenda 21 planning objectives put forth by The Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium (NEOSCC) and their potential implementation by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA)
Board of County Commissioners, Geauga County, Ohio
WHEREAS, the Geauga County Commissioners represent over 93,000 residents who have chosen to raise their families and operate businesses in a rural environment governed in a minimally-intrusive way by elected officials who believe in personal responsibility, economic freedom, fiscal prudence, proper maintenance of public assets including infrastructure, and preservation of our unique balance of farmlands, large-lot residential zoning, and centers of private sector entrepreneurial and industrial activity; and WHEREAS, while the concept of governmental collaboration to achieve economies of scale can be beneficial in many cases to reduce costs, the regional revenue sharing advocated by the Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium (NEOSCC) within the VIBRANT NEO 2040 plan would invariably promote the transfer of resources from those communities that have been prudent in their fiscal planning, handling of expenditures, and maintenance of existing infrastructure to those communities that have not consistently adhered to those principles; and
WHEREAS, NEOSCC through the VIBRANT NEO 2040 initiative promotes the limiting of new residential and commercial development to sites within “established communities”, as well as the incorporation of agricultural land preservation into long range planning, with a stated goal to re-focus development into “existing downtowns” while discouraging economic development and encouraging the prohibition of any future business or population growth in rural areas such as Geauga County, through prioritization of infrastructure investments through a process which would, along with other methodology, “evaluate the social equity impact” of those investments; and
WHEREAS, taken as a whole, the goals promoted by NEOSCC under its “Vibrant NEO 2040” planning document stand largely at odds with the principles of individual economic freedom and local government autonomy which have stood this nation in good stead over the two hundred and thirty eight years since our nation’s founding; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Geauga County Board of Commissioners does hereby take strong exception and voice its opposition to the statements made in a NOACA draft policy document which advocates as part of the agency’s broad strategy that NOACA’s priorities and projects be closely aligned to other federal, state, and regional initiatives, including Vibrant NEO 2040, and further requests that any NEOSCC reference be removed from NOACA policy documents.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution becomes part of the permanent record of the Board of Commissioners of Geauga County, Ohio.

Update: Just received this report today. The same activists who got the Geauga County Board of Commissioners to pass the above resolution against regionalism have succeeded to get a similar resolution passed by the Lordstown, Ohio Council. The battle against regionalism in North East Ohio is raging!! 

As I said, these are just some of the battles that are now raging across the country. Daily I am receiving calls from activists and elected officials asking for my help in their efforts. I am providing language for legislation and tactics for activists. And it’s working. Please help APC to continue leading this vital effort to restore American property rights.

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In Freedom,

Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center and National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow) working to help local activists organize into Freedom Pods ( He is also the author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.