Four Ways to Use Fear and Deceit to Destroy our Culture

“Once such control of thinking is established, it’s just a short journey to rejecting morality and losing the ability to know right from wrong. Then, they set themselves up as the answer.”  Harold Riggers, ERASE

Our nation is being attacked and torn apart from four very specific directions. Americans are desperate to find answers and strategies to stop it. Before we can do that  we must first understand how it is being done and by whom.

I have just released a new book that, through a fictional thriller approach, gives great insight to such questions. The book is titled ERASE and features a four pronged story line. It details how we are being divided, manipulated and dumbed -down to prepare us to participate in our own demise.

Of course the most obvious attack is seen through government policy. The federal government, through the EPA, HUD, the Department of Transportation, and many more agencies are openly attacking the very concepts of free enterprise and private property rights. The American dream of owing a home, driving a car and planning for ones own future have become direct targets of such agency policy. Moreover, the legal structure of locally elected representatives deciding the future for our communities based on the wishes of those who elected them, is being destroyed through the establishment of non-elected boards and regional governments that do not answer to the people. Hordes of private, non-elected, non-governmental organizations and planning groups apply pressure for policies that many times overrule the will of the people. It’s all being funded through government grants that now give federal agents almost complete control over the very elected officials chosen by the people.

Second, that same federal control over the nation’s education system has seen the near destruction of knowledge. This will result in the creation of basically ignorant, unaware children good for little more than job training and the preparation of global citizenship. The new “citizens” come out of the public schools with nearly zero knowledge of the nation’s history, its philosophy or economic system. They are taught that there are no right or wrong answers and whatever works for them is ok. The concept of a fully rounded education that allows students to prepare for any eventuality has been replaced with little more than job training. Moreover, days in the classroom have become a drudgery of non-stop propaganda and behavior modification to impose a “proper” thought process called “Globally Acceptable Truth” that advocates the reason for wars and poverty is that there is too much knowledge that confuses students and makes life more difficult. Obedience and conformity are the true purpose of the curriculum in today’s American public education system.

Third, Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs) between government and business are becoming the new business model. There is one major problem with it. It’s not free enterprise; rather it is right out of the Mussolini fascist model. In the United States, government is assigned the task of protecting businesses to guarantee their ability to engage in commerce. But that doesn’t mean there should be partnerships between the two. The result of such PPPs is that certain companies that agree to play ball get to go to the head of the line  for the best locations and tax advantages handed out by government. Business can use its cozy partnership to assure policies that will help put their competition at a disadvantage.  to prosper and use government to help put competition out of business. Moreover, companies will use their promotion dollars to help sell the government party line, such as the need to use certain products to protect the environment. In this way they are getting us to voluntarily sacrifice our freedom of choice; change our eating habits; our mode of transportation; and our home buying decisions, all falling in line with desired government policies. Finally, in the same manner, technology is being used to control our knowledge to erase our cultural ideas. In the old days, to achieve such an end, totalitarians had to use the unsavory tactic of book burnings to destroy history. Today, with all of our knowledge parked inside computer databanks and e-books, bonfires aren’t necessary. The simple control of a delete button makes it all go away without our even noticing it.

Why the viscous attacks on Christianity, many have asked. We see the Ten Commandments banned from public display and even military chaplains barred from performing Christian services. It seems to be insanity. However, one needs to understand that Christian teaching is the root of the ideas of private property and individuality and even free enterprise. If you seek to destroy those concepts, then you need to destroy the root. Yet, to outright ban Christianity is a task that even those striving for such a goal lack the guts to do outright. So, instead, they have chosen to use Christianity as a tool for their own means. We change worship of God to worship of Mother Earth. For the past thirty years there has been a massive drive by those seeking global control of the earth to create an “inter-religious consensus” to bring all religions together under one banner. They have held major meetings to organize Evangelicals, Catholics and Jews together in a unified commitment to “ecological concerns.” Slowly, they are converting Christianity into a force that worships the creation as it ignores the Creator. Such a change, done slowly over time, makes it much easier to mold staunch believers into their vision of the proper citizen of the Earth. Once fully indoctrinated they voluntarily fall into the trap as they march in lockstep with pure pagan teachings coming from their own pulpits.

My new book ERASE is a searing glimpse into a future for America that encompasses all of these situations. In a tense and entertaining story, ERASE exposes how such tactics are being used to destroy our nation from within. I have used one central villain to portray the evil force that threatens us. However, in reality he lives inside hundreds of such power mongers that now act as an unseen hand to pull the strings in the back rooms of local, state and federal centers of government.

In the book’s fictionalized story a teacher, a businessman, a preacher, a political activist and a homeless man all learn the frightening truth about a secret, powerful force plotting to bring it about. What can they do to stop it? Eventually they learn of a secret document that holds the answers. It names the perpetrators and details the full plan for the destruction of America. These heroes understand the great need to possess and expose such information and they begin a desperate race against time to find it. Of course, as in any fictional thriller, through that search some make the ultimate sacrifice to save their nation.

This is a fictional depiction. However, every single policy presented in the book, from the use of technology to change our culture; to the use of the public school classrooms to eliminate true knowledge; to the destruction of Christianity in a drive to meld all religions into one powerful tool for government, is all true and happening at this very moment.

Help preserve our free society. I invite you to read my book ERASE. It is far easier to understand these attacks on our liberty through an entertaining fictional story than to try to muddle through and rely on the mainstream media to sort out truth from deception.

In my book a central character named Brad Jackson is a teacher who takes great pride in his ability to inspire his students to understand an accept true history. He loves books and prizes his collection of them. When he is confronted with the news that evil forces are working to eliminate our history and culture, he asks another character an obvious question that we all have asked ourselves. “How do they think they can stop knowledge? It’s there, no matter what.” The other character, who knows the secrets and is working to stop such a destruction of the nation, answers him by saying, “They stop knowledge by banning it.”

That is what is happening to our nation right now, in every area of our lives. It’s happening quietly, in stealth. Many Americans hardly notice. But it’s there; control through our personal choices, our bank accounts, even our use of social media. Now is the time to stand up and stop it. Or, very soon, we will wake up to find that our nation, our culture, our history are wiped from the face of the earth. The answers are in my book, ERASE.


Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.