The United Nations is a beacon for those who would be moths to a flame

Last October, the UN celebrated its 70th anniversary and many state houses around the world were lit up UN blue. For many of us, this was not a cause to celebrate but to rue that the UN was ever born. It is, nor has it ever been, a beacon for humanity. The humanitarian aid dispensed by the UN around the world has been graft spread to ingratiate themselves. Private organizations could have done as well as or better with a lot less money and corruption.

Mr. Ban may think that the UN should police and control the world the world, but why would the world’s people want to be run by an autonomous body unaccountable to any constituency?

United Nations remains ‘beacon for all humanity,’ says Ban ahead of 70th anniversary

“Mr. Ban also highlighted that this 70th anniversary is a moment to recognize the dedication of those who serve the UN, and to honour the many “who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

“Noting that “no single country or organization can address today’s challenges alone,” the UN chief stressed that the world faces many crises, and the limits of collective international action are “painfully clear.

“The timeless values of the UN Charter must remain our guide. Our shared duty is to ‘unite our strength’ to serve ‘we the peoples’,” he continued.”

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Alex Newman of The New American gives cause why we reject the UN as it’s leader as Mr. Ban suggests. I would suggest that we get the US out of the UN as the UN globalists are leading us to a one-world government which would make slaves of most of us.

Amid Tsunami of Scandals, UN Ignores Massive Corruption

“The situation has become so bad that some academics have concluded that it is time to shut down the UN’s out-of-control bureaucracies. A paper by Sonoma State University Professor Emeritus Jamal Munshi published by the Social Science Research Network, for example, makes a solid case for ditching the UN environmental bureaucracy. Under the headline “The United Nations: An Unconstrained Bureaucracy,” the June 2016 paper concludes that ‘unconstrained and undisciplined public sector bureaucracies do not serve the interest of the public” and that “such UN bureaucracies can safely be dismantled without any harm to the public interest.’”

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Ileana Johnson Paugh, who has studied this for decades, put it clearly and succinctly:

Globalism Through U.N.’S Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, And Vision 2050

“These experts and CEOs have decided for you what constitutes “global sustainability” without consulting you, and have determined their vision for the planet. The “must haves” include, as stated on their website:

  • Incorporating the costs of externalities, starting with carbon, ecosystem services and water, into the structure of the marketplace;
  • Doubling agricultural output without increasing the amount of land or water used;
  • Halting deforestation and increasing yields from planted forests;
  • Halving carbon emissions worldwide (based on 2005 levels) by 2050 through a shift to low-carbon energy systems;
  • Improved demand-side energy efficiency, and providing universal access to low-carbon mobility.”

Globalism Through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, And Vision 2050

John Anthony of Sustainable Freedom Lab explains another area of the same global tyranny we face:


“Two-hundred years after signing a declaration protecting Americans’ right to pursue life, liberty and property, the stewards of the very government our Founders formed, began stealing all three.

“The story of why and how our government, through federal agencies like HUD and the EPA implement global law is the story of America’s return to slavery.

“To understand the importance of the story we must first recognize the importance of property rights.

“For example, if you own a farm, but another person tells you what to plant, where you can mow, and whom you must have for neighbors, your ownership becomes worthless.  That other person controls not only your land, but also what you can and cannot do.  When any person or government controls your property, they control your behavior.  Your obedience to that control is the beginning of slavery.

“In 1976, while Americans were distracted watching a manly Bruce Jenner ace the Olympic decathlon; while two Steves formed a company called Apple, and millions mimicked “meow, meow, meow, meow” to the Meow Mix commercial, two United States delegates signed an international agreement in Vancouver, Canada that accelerated the demise of our Founders’ protections.”

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Tom DeWeese
[email protected]

Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.