15 Dec Incrementalism, Regionalism and Revolution
This is an article I wrote in 2012, and I am running it now in hopes that those who think Trump is our knight in shining armor and is going to wipe out all the evil/anti-western culture things that are now in our government policies. Even if he tries, he can’t. These policies are embedded in every level of local, state, and federal government. We can hope that he is able to steer the ship of state away from the far left it has been going in. But, we the people will still have the job of getting these policies out of our local governments, some of which have been part of our laws and regulations for over 100 years.
revolution – (rev-loo-sh-n)
1 a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.
• ( the Revolution) the American Revolution.
• (often the Revolution) (in Marxism) the class struggle that is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism.
How many times have you heard someone say, “They (government) will only get my guns over my dead body.” Or, “Don’t worry, we patriots are locked, loaded and ready; we will save the Republic,”? Or “I HAVE MY GUNS AND AMMO, WHEN THEY COME TO GET THEM WITHOUT “CAUSE” THEY SHOULD PACK A LUNCH AND BRING BODY BAGS!” I spent some time wondering when all this was going to be sparked; what was going to be the incident that would bring about an uprising of the people.
To all those who carry that sentiment in their hearts, sorry, you are way too late. The globalists have been taking away our rights and conditioning us for slavery over the past hundred years. They bypassed the revolution and have co-opted us with barely a whimper. The sparks are many but way too small to be noticed by the naked eye.
Oh, there are plenty who can see exactly what is going on and can see who are the perpetrators of this take-over of America. But most of America is just wondering what hit them. If it could be explained in sound bites, we might get somewhere but the answer is not terribly complicated — just long.
So how did we get co-opted, and how did it start so long ago? I won’t go to the beginning. To know the early history of the American road to serfdom, read Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. 1884-1966 by Rose L. Martin (Jan 1, 1966), or The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin (May 1998). There are many more books and also videos that expose the early foundations of our downfall.
The result of Fabian planning, or better put, scheming is something called Communitarianism. This is the version of Collectivism or Socialism that is being foisted on the entire world. A simple definition is that the rights of the individual must be balanced against the interests of society as a whole. Where have we heard that before? We have been pummeled with the social justice notion of promoting the common good over that of the individual; that we must think of the community, the earth, our global neighbors, everything but us and our individual freedoms and rights.
But as Tibor Machan pointed out in 1991, “Communitarians wish to place community and individual on a collision course, saying there is some kind of balance that is needed between the rights of individuals and the rights of the community. But if we consider that “community” means simply a lot of other people than oneself, this makes for majority rule. If we consider that such other people usually leave it to a few who will speak out in their behalf, we will have a few community representatives dictating to the rest of us what we must do and what our “responsibilities” are. Communitarians are interested in diminishing the decision-making power of people as individuals. Yet, it is just such power that is required for a morally responsible life, including one that does full justice to our moral responsibilities to others.” [Link]
But that presupposes those in power care whether their form of governance promotes responsible behavior. The globalists or Communitarians are saddled with having a desired outcome (the reduction of 85% of the people on the planet, making slaves of the rest and taking all the land in the world for themselves {nothing about responsible behavior}) but, because that outcome might enrage most of the populace, they must disguise their desired end in touchy, feel-good doublespeak so that the people will not only accept it but use it as their guiding light. So far they have achieved their aims far better and easier than one would hope by using the environment as the club to beat us with: if you don’t quit using air conditioning . . . if you don’t quit building fences . . . if you don’t quit making dust you are going to destroy the earth. (At least they have quit with the global warming scare for the most part.)
Regionalism is the means to complete the final stage of taking our private property rights from us and firmly embed us in Communitarianism. It started in the 60s with Urban Renewal and Workable Programs for Community Development. Under Urban Renewal there were two types: redevelopment and rehabilitation. In redevelopment, “the land and its title move from the owner to the local public urban renewal agency (LPA). Formerly taxed, the property becomes tax-exempt and ceases to bear a share of the city expenses. The owner is out. The LPA may: (a) sell the land to a redeveloper, (b) retain the land for parks, streets, and other public uses or lease it out.”[1]
Under urban renewal rehabilitation, “the land title remains with the owner (theoretically). Actually, due to urban renewal punishment, most property owners are forced out, losing their land and title. The “fix up” idea is put in motion under urban renewal conservation. Forced to comply, homeowners may either choose to knuckle under to years of debt and interest, or they may sell cut-rate and move out.”[2]
But as Jo Hindman pointed out in her book, “planning assistance from the Federal government has been readily available to local communities which subscribe to urban renewal’s . . . city razing-rebuilding” since the National Housing Act of 1949 was passed. That was over 50 years ago and it wasn’t the first means of achieving their evil ends.
Today the globalists are using the very same means, sometimes calling them by different names — Wildlands Project, Livable Communities — but often using the same ones, i.e., urban renewal, preservation. We are to live in Smart Growth Communities, the designs of which were originally designed by Communists for East Germany. At least one-half of our own country will be “off limits” to humans; of the rest much will be wildlife corridors and buffer zones. We will be relegated to human settlement areas — zoos for humans as the wildlife roams free.
We rail about “them” and want to “throw the bums out” of office. But who are the bums? The Democrats? Yes. And the Republicans. As Dr. John Coleman says, “In every election since Calvin Coolidge ran for the White House, the Committee of 300* has been able to plant its agents in key positions in government so that it matters not who gets the White House post. For example, every one of the candidates who ran for the Presidency, from the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt, were selected, some like to call it (sic) ‘hand-picked,’ by the Council on Foreign Relations. . ..”[3]
We, America and the UN, are fighting wars around the world. None of them legitimate; all of them for the same reason as taking our property — to bring us to a One World Government. After WW1, the winning powers rearranged much of the Middle East and Eastern Europe, putting rival sects and peoples together and telling them to form governments and get on with life. For a long time I wondered why intelligent people would do this; why Sunnis and Shiites and Kurds would be expected to live in peaceful coexistence for ever after. Then I realized that it must be by design; the globalists WERE too intelligent to do it by mistake. The globalists want strife and turmoil in those areas. They want to be able to use the excuse of instilling Democracy to go in and make war. Read 1984 again to comprehend their thinking.
All of this is being done slowly, like water on a rock, wearing away at our property rights and our freedom. They offer no scenarios where it would be understandable to “lock and load.” They are far too sinister and devious. Many of the same people who say “over my dead body,” have fallen for the ruses the globalist use to relieve them of their land. They don’t realize when the key moment is happening and they are succumbing to the oily talk of facilitators and their shills, the bureaucrats and the Non-governmental Organizations working hand in hand to relieve us of everything we hold dear — our lives and liberty.
Our values, attitudes and beliefs are being brainwashed out of our children in school, on TV, in the playground. The belief system that made America, call it Western Culture or Judeo-Christianity, is anathema to those who would rule the world. In the Declaration of Interdependence (a nice play on words?) it is stated:
Moral codes that prevail today are often rooted in ancient parochial and tribal loyalties. Absolutistic moral systems emerged from the values of the rural and nomadic societies of the past; they provide little useful guidance for our post-modern world. We need to draw on the moral wisdom of the past, but we also need to develop a new, revisionary ethic that employs rational methods of inquiry appropriate to the world of the future, an ethic that respects the dignity and freedom of each person but that also expresses a larger concern for humanity as a whole. The basic imperative face by humankind today is the need to develop a world-wide ethical awareness of our mutual interdependence and a willingness to modify time-hardened attitudes that prevent such consensus.
Yes, we are in need of a new moral code, according to the globalists; one that is not absolutistic so obviously moral relativity is wanted in the New World Order. While they say that they wish to show respect for the “dignity and freedom of each person,” they add that a big need is “a larger concern for humanity as a whole.” Social Justice wrought large. Our “time-hardened attitudes,” the Judeo-Christian ethics of our Forefathers, must be eradicated.
To introduce you to one of the “they” of the globalist/Communitarian useful idiots, here is a description of Amitai Etzioni who works, as Niki Raapana tells it, “deftly behind the scenes” on the obscure Communitarian Network.
He directs “a coalition of individuals and organizations who have come together to shore up the moral, social, and political environment. We are a nonsectarian, nonpartisan, transnational association…The Communitarian Network investigates issues and policies such as the balance between rights and responsibilities in society, community justice, multiculturalism, the community’s moral voice, and developing global society.” The buzzwords of sustainable development, and all of them are being used, very successful, to destroy property rights and individual freedom yet they are the accepted lexicon of today’s world.
In 1964, John Stormer wrote None Dare Call It Treason which, like Jo Hindman and others, told us what was happening, how our birthright was being sold to the lowest bidder. Look at just one of the things he told us:
A key “piece” in the blueprint for revolution described by Senator Jenner is an interpretation of the U.S. Constitution which permits the Constitution to be changed — or even abolished — by a treaty. Article VI provides:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in State shall be bond thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary, notwithstanding.
As interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, this means that treaties supersede the Constitution.[4]
In the past 50 years we have seen treaties used to make law and change the law of the U.S. to be more in line with UN sentiments, an early one being the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Since then there have been so many Treaties and Protocols (a treaty or international agreement that supplements a previous treaty or international agreement.
A protocol can amend the previous treaty, or add additional provisions.) that the normal person cannot keep up with them. Just a few that affect us especially because they are being used to destroy the Constitution are: UN Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm 1972) Brundtland Commission Report, 1983 Our Common Future, 1987 Earth Summit (1992) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development Agenda 21 (1992) Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) ICPD Programme of Action (1994) Earth Charter Lisbon Principles UN Millennium Declaration (2000) Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). These are some of the treaties relating to Agenda 21.
Between the incrementalism and regionalism, the globalists or Communitarians have executed a revolution; one realized without a shot being fired (other than all the mayhem committed in the Middle East as the byproduct of the world-change). So that is the revolution that has taken place and is still going on — executed not by patriots but by tyrants; executed not to restore the republic but to destroy it once and for all.
- Hindman, Jo. Blame Metro, Caxton Press 1996, p. 13
2.Ibid. p 13
3. Coleman, Dr. John, Conspirators’ Hierarchy, America West Publishers, 1992, pp 45-46.
4. Stormer, John A., None Dare Call It Treason, Buccaneer Books, 1964, pp 221 222.