28 Aug Regretfully, DEI isn’t as useless as tits on a boar hog
Raunchy title, do you think? It’s got nothing on DEI – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. At least those appendages on the boar hog affect nothing; the dedicated Marxists — useful idiots for the globalists and Deep State – are using DEI to destroy the greatest culture that graced God’s Earth. Oh, and destroying that same Earth by fighting Climate Change, their bogyman bête noire they claim to be fighting while they are at it. So, the boar hog’s appendages are of no concern to us, but DEI should make you mad enough to demand its demise.
In the book 1984, Orwell describes this:
Doublespeak: language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.
Doublethink: is to know and to not know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic.
If you fully grasp this, you are way smarter than I will ever be.
Now, “history (correctly defined) explicitly is the engine of the future”. The American Founding Documents were created for the “Individual” in protection of his or her being in all things. So, what happened? Corruption at the highest level. 1
Socialized Law substitutes appointed Administrators for Judicial Law. This is to adjust social interests over individual rights. Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter spoke about ‘throughgoing overturning” of society. It must be done from the outside and translated by those in office.
Social Justice is the above Doublespeak.
DEI comes under social justice. “Justice traditionally judges freely chosen individual acts, but social justice judges how far the distribution of economic and social benefits among social groups departs from how they “ought” to be distributed. … (it) justifies the exercise of the state’s coercive power to distribute “fairly” goods that include education, employment, housing, income, health care, leisure, a pleasant environment, political power, property, social recognition, and wealth”. 2 This necessitates redistribution, where the state takes from the producer to buy the support of the non-producer, eventually destroying the producer’s incentive to produce anything, creating poverty for all; this is what they call equality — equally poor, and thus slaves to the enslavers. All created by the Humanists, as they believe only in evolution – in fact, a cult maintained by both Doublespeak and Doublethink. This short video explains the issue perfectly.
All this comes under Postmodernism, which believes that reality is socially constructed and dependent on the experiences of individuals and that there are no universal truths or certainties. It is characterized by a rejection of modernism’s idealism and reason and instead embraces skepticism and a suspicion of reason. How does one admit that they are suspicious of reason? Reason is the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic. To reject those is to jump into “anything goes as long as it is absurd, illogical, and extremely prejudicial to some group(s) in society.
Where is Ayn Rand when we need her? Or, at least, John Galt.
Right now, we are watching the once-greatest military on Earth being DEIed into an absurd, unstructured, untrained gaggle of young men and women who have no idea what gender they are, how to be soldiers, or what their country stands for. They just know they are against whites — especially males, Christians, and those who still use reason, logic, and sound science when looking at the world theater today.
Senator Eric Schmitt on the Senate floor, made some wise statements re Social Justice/DEI:
- Social Justice ideology completely strips people of their individuality. Ideas don’t really matter as much as what the person speaking looks like.
- It’s completely antithetical to the core tenets of our Constitution and the American experiment.
- It places an unhealthy emphasis on race.
- It strips people of their dignity and the many layers that define us.
- It rips away the ties that bind us. And that’s exactly the point for these cultural Marxists. To Marxists “we” are simply another species to contend with.
- We need to return to the American idea—equality of opportunity, not certainty of outcome or so-called “equity.” And we need to prioritize merit over characteristics that people have no control over.
DEI is being disseminated in schools, the military, the mainstream media, and even our churches. It has already brainwashed and deliberately dumbed down our children in almost every school in our country (and around the world), pretty much gutted our military – making it one of hurt feelings rather than training for battles; our news – broadcast and print – are controlled for “mis” and “dis” information – feeding those listening/reading political correctness rather than reason, logic, and truth; and our pulpits are spouting satanic dogma rather than Biblical truths.
Two examples:
- The pulpits are spouting satanic dogma rather than Biblical truths.
- The Preamble of the United Nations Earth Charter states: … we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature…. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations.
To this end, the Earth Charter needs to be incorporated into both formal and nonformal education. This process must involve various communities (Sciences), continue to integrate the Charter into the curriculum of schools and universities, and constitute an ongoing process of lifelong learning. This is an example of both Doublespeak and Doublethink.
We are learning that our history that we are fed in schools and centers of so-called higher learning is lies written by those who would be tyrants over the Earth – the globalists forming the New World Order. The new histories of countries and peoples are implanted to create the model drone or slave and inaugurate eugenics. 3
We’ve about run out of the generations of citizens that know the values our forefathers fought a revolutionary war over, the differences between ideals and feelings, and – to get down to the nub – the difference between right and wrong/truth and fiction, via Doublespeak and Doublethink.
It’s time to slay the dragon.
Thanks to Robert Powell for assistance.
1 Roscoe Pound, 1913 and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter
2 Dr. David Randall, PhD, in his report “Social Justice Education in America”
3 To understand the history, I suggest reading the Elite Events Timeline in the American Policy Toolkit in the online Workbook.