I am very concerned about the Real ID and its threat to our personal privacy and total surveillance by government. Most people have been led to believe that Real ID and E-Verify are the answers to controlling  illegal immigration and make us safer from fraud,...

On July 23, 2004, I addressed the fifth annual Freedom 21 Conference in Reno, Nevada. Freedom 21 was the first coalition of limited government/private property advocacy groups. Freedom 21 eventually sponsored 10 national conferences and educated and trained a cadre of leaders to fight Agenda...

Sledgehammer Alert! From Tom DeWeese Urgent!     The House-passed USMCA Agreement is NOT the same that President Trump negotiated!! I must tell you that I issue this alert very reluctantly. In no way do I want to appear that I am attacking President Trump. But please read these facts...

For the past year I have been working to sound the alarm that the American beef industry is under massive assault from the radical environmental and animal rights movements that seek its ultimate destruction. Throughout the year I have been addressing cattlemen’s groups to educate...

In 2000 the American Policy Center Dropped 1.5 tons of Petitions on Capitol Hill to Oppose the UN In September of 2000 the UN held its Millennium Summit in New York City to announce its 8 goals to impose the transformation of the world under Sustainable...