We modern folks, with our computers, televisions and outer-space satellites love to smugly look back on the good old days as quaint and innocent. However, a trip back in time to an ...

As Americans cheered the latest shuttle flight liftoff on July 23rd with its extraordinary scientific payload, few knew how much mathematics and physics knowledge was involved to ...

March 28, 2002 By Cal Thomas President Bush told a United Nations conference on global development in Monterrey, Mexico, last week that Americans have an obligation to "share our wealth" with poor nations. He proposed...

Action Alert!                Action Alert! APC is now offering you a quick and easy way to multiply your efforts and help win more battles! Simply click ...

March 13, 2002 By Henry Lamb "It will never happen," was the almost universal response to our first reports of global taxation nearly a decade ago. The folks at the United Nations, however, believe...

March 13, 2002 By Tom DeWeese The United Nations continues to deny that it has any intention of generating global taxes to fund itself. Remember the old kid’s line, "liar, liar, pants on...

February 20, 2002 By Peyton Knight If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It is a DUCK! The push for a national identification system is in full swing ...