As a result of my efforts to expose Agenda 21, I’ve been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, and dangerous nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin foil hats. The main weapon to enforce this global Agenda was the...

Sometimes if you fight hard enough and refuse to back down, no matter the odds, your truth is vindicated and prevails! For twenty years I have been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and...

California is the perfect example of what America will be reduced to if a proposed Green New Deal goes into action because in many respects it has already happened in the State. The middle-class in the State has been hollowed out as they are taxed...

The second Property Rights Network training call was a huge success with several hundred people tuning in. The focus of this call was to provide local activists with tools and strategies they need to effectively fight local Agenda 21/Sustainable policies on the local level.  Two...

The first Property Rights Network monthly training call was a huge success with several hundred people tuning in. As I said earlier, this call focused on positive events – victories that we have gained in the battle to protect property rights. I started with these...

We, the American people, are not each other’s enemies. The enemies are those people behind the curtain jerking everybody’s chain and trying to divide us up by age, by race, by income.”  Dr. Ben Carson, HUD Secretary I have a very important development to report to...

I have been pushing hard lately to let people know that, no matter how big and powerful the opposition, the assault from big government forces can be stopped. That’s why I want to tell you about a recent major victory in Louisiana where a wonderful,...

There is an all out assault taking place in nearly every community against private property ownership. It’s being perpetrated at every level of government and funded by taxpayer grants. Yet few property owners raise objections, mainly because today most don’t have the basic understanding of...

There’s lots of talk about where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh stands on the Roe v Wade abortion decision and if he would vote to rescind it. There is another very controversial Supreme Court decision made just a few years ago, supported by Anthony Kennedy,...