December 24, 2003 By Tom DeWeese Fifty years ago the modern movement to defend the principles of liberty, outlined in the United States Constitution, began. That was when conservatives and libertarians began to stand up to those who advocated government as the answer to the basic...

December 24, 2003 By Peyton Knight In 1987, residents who reside along West Virginia State Route 26, more commonly known as the "New River Road" because of its proximity to the rolling body of water, were told by the local authorities that their road would soon...

Conservative Battleline Online To Speak For Limited Government Conservatives Against Big Government Right December 15, 2003 Alexandria, VA - Donald Devine, a vice chairman of the American Conservative Union Foundation, announced the publication of a new online conservative journal of opinion to be called ConservativeBattleline, located at...

December 11, 2003 By Tom DeWeese Throughout the history of mankind, anytime the spark of liberty has been ignited one force or another has rushed to extinguish it. Today, in a world already suffocating under the weight of rules and regulations designed to control, tax and...

October 28, 2003 By Tom DeWeese The Declaration of Independence is quite clear about where government power is supposed to come from. It says "…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed." In other words, the people of the United...

October 3, 2003 By Peyton Knight Ralph and Julie Shelton own 91 acres of land in Malheur County, Oregon. In Malheur, 74% of the land is owned by the federal government. The Sheltons’ property is situated on the Owyhee River near the Idaho border. It...

September 25, 2003 By Tom DeWeese A recent poll by USA Today/CNN/Gallup revealed that more Americans have a negative view of the UN than at any time in its history. 60% of those polled said the UN is doing a poor job, compared to 37% who say...

September 17, 2003 By Tom DeWeese The instant they plant their foot on American soil they have broken the law. They are illegal aliens and, from that moment, they become a plague on every American’s quality of life. They crowd our schools and don’t pay for the...

September 4, 2003 By Tom DeWeese No one, after 911, can doubt that our national and our personal safety has been attacked by Islamic fanatics bent on imposing their religion via "jihad" or holy war. Our government has been energized. Not since Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society"...