Two Major Issues Need Your Immediate Action URGENT ACTION ITEM 1: UN Ready to Enforce International Criminal Court On June 15, UN delegates will meet in Rome to finalize the ...

As communities reel from one massive act of student violence after another, the nation looks for answers. How many are looking at the schools themselves as the conduit through which millions of students...

By Tom DeWeese It’s a growing mantra on Capitol Hill: "smaller class size, more money, higher standards." That is the answer, we are told by congressional leaders, to end the "education crisis." You...

Bill Clinton just can’t stop messing with the American flag. In the September issue of The DeWeese Report (Volume 6, Number 9) I reported that Clinton aides had removed American flags from...

January 20, 2000 It was just this past October that legislation which established a green light for creating a National ID system was repealed through the courageous efforts of Senator Richard Shelby, numerous Congressmen...

Hearings are Called, but Unbalanced Witness List is Evidence of a Whitewash October 21, 1999 Congress was warned twenty years ago that American security interests would be placed in jeopardy if...