You Have Been Betrayed by Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell!
Action Alert! Action Alert! September 21, 2000 Yesterday, Wednesday, September 20, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) betrayed Americans everywhere. Sen. Campbell, the sponsor of the ...
Action Alert! Action Alert! September 21, 2000 Yesterday, Wednesday, September 20, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) betrayed Americans everywhere. Sen. Campbell, the sponsor of the ...
Action Alert! Action Alert! September 18, 2000 One of the biggest pro-sovereignty and private property rights bills in recent history will be voted...
Action Alert! Action Alert! If ever you were to stand up for the sovereignty of the United States—THE TIME IS NOW! Call your Representative at 12:00 noon and...
Your Immediate Action Needed! The future of private property will be decided on June 27 and 28 when S. 25, The Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA), comes before the Senate Energy and Natural...
Action Alert Message from the American Policy Center From our friend Chuck Cushman at the American Land Rights Association ( THE DIE WILL BE CAST THIS REPUBLICAN CONGRESS IS ON THE VERGE OF ...
Two Major Issues Need Your Immediate Action URGENT ACTION ITEM 1: UN Ready to Enforce International Criminal Court On June 15, UN delegates will meet in Rome to finalize the ...
You can imagine the scene at the homes of each Eagle Scout as they prepared for their big night. Imagine the honor of being picked for the opening ceremonies of such a major...
By Tom DeWeese Phone lines are ringing off the wall in Congressional Offices as Americans express their outrage over the intrusive questions on the 2000 Census form. Even the short form’s "eight simple questions"...
HE NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW! Congressman Mac Collins of Georgia has introduced House Concurrent Resolution 299 (H.Con.Res. 299) to rescind Clinton's Executive Order on Federalism. ...
As communities reel from one massive act of student violence after another, the nation looks for answers. How many are looking at the schools themselves as the conduit through which millions of students...