Some say there are no more heroes. Some say America is devoid of the great minds who share the love of freedom and the courage of conviction that were commonplace in our founding...

Bill mentioned it in the State of the Union message, the White House sponsored a conference on it, ABC's Night Line devoted an entire program to it and Hillary wrote about it in...

By Charlotte Iserbyt An important question should be examined in regard to the tragedy in Littleton, Colorado. "What was going on inside the brains of the two boys who committed this terrible crime?" Not only should Americans point the finger at violent television as a reason for...

The Good News!! 1. Three Congressmen have introduced legislation to stop Executive Order 13083. * Rep. Bob Barr - H.R.4196 * Rep. Joe Scarborough - H.R.4232 * Rep. Mac Collins - H.Con.Res.299 All three bills are in the House...

APC Organizing to Stop New "Careers" Act (S.1186) Powerful forces are moving to push Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott to schedule a floor vote on the "Workforce Investment Partnership ...