July 10, 2006 By Tom DeWeese Several weeks ago I asked American Policy Center supporters and DeWeese Report readers some important questions regarding their stand on issues in an effort to help direct APC’s legislative efforts. Some of the answers were surprising and revealing. I asked...

June 26, 2006 By Tom DeWeese He might be a whiz at creating computer software, but beyond that, Bill Gates has proven time and again that he hasn’t got a clue about why and how a free market works. He constantly teams up with anti-free...

June 21, 2006 By Peyton Knight Just one year after the U.S. Supreme Court's dreadful Kelo v. City of New London decision that sparked a national outcry against government eminent domain abuse, some in Congress are preparing to bring a new threat to property owners in Virginia,...

June 8, 2006 By Tom DeWeese In California, a majority of voters supported a ballot measure to stop illegal aliens from receiving tax-funded services such as schools, hospital care and social services. A federal judge declared the measure null and void and forced policy over the...

May 24, 2006 By Tom DeWeese "Oceans lash our coasts. Deserts Burn. The sky provides no shelter. Turmoil of Biblical proportions threatens not just our weather but life itself. Global Warming is upon us." Those words aren’t from the preview trailer of the silly, overblown, over...

May 10, 2006 By Tom DeWeese They are one of the biggest publishers of textbooks in the world, and they wanted to use some of my writings in one of their products. My first thought was, "Gee, I’m coming up in the world." The second was, "How...

May 1, 2006 "Fed up" landowners have said "enough" to feeble efforts by Congress to "fix" the Endangered Species Act (ESA). That’s why a coalition of property rights groups, led by the American Land Foundation, Stewards of the Range, the American Policy Center, Liberty Matters,...

April 24, 2006 By Tom DeWeese Many patriotic Americans have rightly worried about the nation’s future in the hands of today’s younger generation. Proven time and again is their lack of understanding for American ideals and principles of limited government, thanks to a woefully inadequate education...