Let Speaker Boehner Know that Agenda 21 is a Real Threat!Let Speaker Boehner Know that Agenda 21 is a Real Threat!Let Speaker Boehner Know that Agenda 21 is a Real Threat!Let Speaker Boehner Know that Agenda 21 is a Real Threat!Let Speaker Boehner Know that...

Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or...

Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or ThreatAgenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or Threat...

Those who are determined to impose global governance on the rest of us have made great sport out of attacking anyone who dares oppose their plans. They have attacked those who challenge their claims of global warming by calling for “Nuremburg-style” show trials. Al Gore...

When I first became involved in political issues and events some 45 years ago as a young man just out of high school, it was because I believed in the ideals of our Founding Fathers. I had a young man’s zeal for the American dream...

The freedom movement lost two courageous leaders this past month. Our movement is poorer for their passing, but our nation’s richer from their lives. Henry Lamb is the man who first discovered Agenda 21 and sounded the alarm. He attended the international meetings and challenged participants...

I originally issued this article four years ago, just after John McCain had wrapped up the Republican nomination, and while Obama and Hillary were still slugging it out. Today, four years later, it’s the same feeling of dissatisfaction from our choices – just different names....

The battle over Agenda 21 is raging across the nation. City and County Councils have become war zones as citizens question the origins of development plans and planners deny any international connections to the UN’s Agenda 21. What is the truth? Since I helped start...

Ed Note: This is a speech I first gave to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 1996, just four years after the UN’s Earth Summit in Rio. At the time I gave this address there were strong indications that Maurice Strong could be chosen...