May 22, 2007 By Tom DeWeese The lines used to be so clear. On one side were free markets, free societies and openly elected representative governments, normally defined as democracy. On the other, was the force of totalitarianism choking off individual initiative, private ownership of property,...

May 11, 2007 By Tom DeWeese Five states, Idaho, Washington, Montana, Arkansas and Maine, have enacted legislation informing the federal government that their states will not comply with the Real ID Act, a law passed by Congress in 2005 which will essentially transform driver’s licenses into...

May 7, 2007 By Tom DeWeese A tiny but determined band of organizations and individuals are standing up to Goliath and are beginning to see his knees wobble. Goliath is the globalist-inspired Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) – better known as the North American Union...

March 31, 2007 By Tom DeWeese Which do you choose? A way of life where you are the master of your destiny, or one where virtually all decisions are made for you by one ruling body or another? It’s the classic struggle facing every human on...

March 21, 2007 By Tom DeWeese If you believe there should be no borders marking a specific entity called the United States of America, then a North American Union will not concern you. If you believe nationalism, meaning love and pride of country, is a bad thing,...

March 16, 2007 The United States of America was created to be a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. A Constitutionally limited republic is restricted to the protection of individual rights. As outlined in our Constitution, the role of the federal government is strictly controlled in...

March 9, 2007 By Tom DeWeese A battle has been waging during the opening months of the 110th Congress over proposed Hate Crime legislation. The main bill currently before the House is H.R. 254, titled, "The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act," introduced by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee...

March 1, 2007 By Tom DeWeese The amount of propaganda poured into the heads of little children in the name of education is astonishing. Case in point: I just received a letter from a little girl in elementary school asking why I don’t believe in global warming....