Immediate Action Needed To Drive Home A Victory! Those who are working to enforce Agenda21 operate from a three-pronged attack; Social Justice, which dictates that ―community‖ needs take precedent over ―individual‖ wants; Public/Private Partnerships, a dangerous melding of private corporations with government resulting in government-sanctioned monopolies;...

I have some astounding – exciting news to report to you. After 18 years of fighting, APC’s efforts to stop the UN’s Agenda 21 has just received an amazing boost! Because the Republican National Committee (RNC) just UNANIMOUSLY passed a resolution opposing Agenda 21! That means that our...

There are many efforts underway to focus attention on world poverty. In a world of massive government spending that is supposed to be used to help the poor (at least that is the popular excuse), the statistics on global poverty are staggering. According to the United...

As Americans become more frightened by the disastrous direction our government is taking, and more frustrated that elected representatives are not listening to them, the demand is growing for drastic action. In recent months the action most heard in state houses across the nation is...

When concerned Americans objected to Obama's health care scheme and turned out at town hall meetings in strong opposition, they were called racists and fringe radicals. The Department of Homeland Security then released a report calling those Americans who opposed Obama's policies “potential domestic terrorist.”...

Plantation, Florida has just voted to NOT renew its ICLEI contract. That’s the eighth community in eight months to take such action. Plantation joins the growing list that includes Carroll County, MD; Amador County, CA; Edmond, OK; Las Cruces, NM; Spartanburg, SC and Albemarle, VA. This...