By Tom DeWeese It has been an amazing year, watching the once-powerful global warming movement virtually collapse into scandal and disrepute as the “climategate” revelations of data tampering continue to grow. I have written many times on these pages that “there is no man-made global warming.”...

March 9, 2010 ACTION ALERT Friends, We have stopped this government takeover of health care so far.  We are now in overtime and our opponent has the ball on the goal line ready to score!  Are you going to walk away now or are you going to stand...

February 22, 2010 By Tom DeWeese I have reported many times in the pages of the DeWeese Report about how public school classrooms are being used, not for the teaching of academic knowledge, but for behavior modification to change the student’s attitudes, values and beliefs. Barack Obama...

January 29, 2010 ACTION ALERT The headline in today’s Washington Times read: “Democrats shelve health care overhaul.” Do not believe this from Pelosi and company. It is an effort to make you leave the battlefield. Do not let down your guard in fighting the health care scheme....

January 27, 2010 By Tom DeWeese Many politicians are asking the question today: “Why are the American People so angry?” The following may lend a clue to the clueless. According to the annual “Index on Economic Freedom,” produced by the Heritage Foundation, the United States now ranks...

January 20, 2010 By Tom DeWeese It is becoming more and more obvious that the Democrat leadership, from Obama, to Pelosi to Reid, have absolutely no clue about the strength of the growing opposition to their big government agenda. They still think the TEA Party movement...

January 6, 2010 By Tom DeWeese In recent years Americans have become more and more alarmed at the lack of adherence to the U.S. Constitution exercised by Congress and other elected representatives. The list of violations has grown large indeed. Some have tried to fight the...

December 18, 2009 Issued By Tom DeWeese Over this past year it has been my privilege to work with some outstanding young people in the fight for freedom. Considering that most have come through a public school system that teaches them next to nothing about America’s unique...

December 8, 2009 By Tom DeWeese Rarely has a political movement with so much power collapsed so fast, certainly not since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Beginning in 1990, Global Warming has been the battle cry behind schemes for global control of industry, energy use, water use,...

- Items of Interest - December 2, 2009 By Tom DeWeese The Obama Phone The nation is collapsing under the federal deficit and Washington can’t find a dime to cut from the budget. Here’s an idea. Stop the Obama phone. What’s the Obama phone, you ask? Well then, that...