November 12, 2009 By Tom DeWeese For more than fifteen years I have been studying and reporting on international United Nation conferences, treaties, and policies, warning that they are a road map to global governance and eventual UN global government. In addition, I have warned that the international...

November 4, 2009 Below is an urgent alert from Congressman Ron Paul and John Tate, Executive Director of Campaign for Liberty. The pro- Federal Reserve forces have made their move to stop Rep. Paul's historic bill to force an audit of that secret body. I urge all American...

APC is now offering you a quick and easy way to multiply your efforts and help win more battles! Simply click to send this APC Action Alert to up to TEN of your friends! It’s fast, it’s easy, and most of all, it’s extremely...

October 27, 2009 By Tom DeWees For years I have been issuing warnings about the growing government surveillance state. REAL ID and E-Verify have been sold as weapons necessary to stop illegal immigration and the threat of terrorism. Now, Congress says it has improved those weapons by...

October 23, 2009 By Tom DeWees ITEM: Compact fluorescent light bulbs, mandated to replace the century-old reliable incandescent bulb (at four times the cost) contain poisonous liquid mercury over 300 times the EPA’s standard accepted safety level. In addition, days after a bulb has been broken, vacuuming...

Many Americans ask how dangerous international policies can suddenly turn up in state and local government, all seemingly uniform to those in communities across the nation and around the globe. The answer – meet ICLEI, a non-profit, private foundation, dedicated to helping your mayor implement all...

By Tom DeWeese A New Dark Ages Sustainable development is the policy Mr. Sagar's thought control was created to implement. Ant to Mr. Sagar, these concepts we call freedom are nothing more than delusion. And that's why he and his fellow travelers are so dangerous to...

By Tom DeWeese Do you feel it? It’s everywhere. On television. In the newspaper. At any public gathering. In any discussion – even among friends. It’s a feeling of mistrust. Nervousness. Suspicion. Even rage. Mostly, it’s just under the surface. But more and more it’s...

By Clarice Ryan One of the prime targets of the Sustainability movement is the acquisition and control of private property of this country and the natural resources contained.  The Conservation Easement provides the tools, techniques and motivations to legally wrest the land from its owners and...