March 3, 2003 By Tom DeWeese There are a lot of people in this country who don’t believe the United Nations is a threat to American sovereignty and independence. Many on Capitol Hill will tell you that there is not a single word in a single UN document...

March 2, 2003 APC is now offering you a quick and easy way to multiply your efforts and help win more battles! Simply click to send this APC Action Alert to up to...

February 19, 2003 By Tom DeWeese Anyone who has submitted themselves to the agony of watching the US Security Council debate has surely concluded the UN is not only incapable of fulfilling its primary mission to avert wars, but is criminally negligent. UN supporters...

February 6. 2003 By Tom DeWeese The fifty-year-old United Nations headquarters building in New York City is starting to show its age. The old building no longer conforms to modern safety, fire and building codes. There’s asbestos in the walls. Security needs...

By Tom DeWeese The Republicans regained control of the Senate and now hold all top positions in the federal government. The chest pounding has begun by Republican leadership and conservative pundits alike, as the death of liberalism is announced and the dawn...

January 27, 2003 By Tom DeWeese While Americans focus on the prospect of war with Iraq, one to liberate the citizens of that nation from a terrible dictator, other Americans are organizing to protect essential...

January 27, 2003 By Tom DeWeese There is a crisis in the Conservative movement. It is a blind spot that threatens everything the movement stands for. It is Sustainable Development, the theme of the United Nations conference in Johannesburg. However, the conservatives who ...

January 21, 2003 Addresses CPAC, Jan 22 at Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA Washington, DC – As debate rages over the President’s State of the Union speech, Tom DeWeese, the president of the American Policy Center, will tell an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference that...

January 14, 2003 By Tom DeWeese Readers of The DeWeese Report, my monthly newsletter, know the United States is changing from a nation that values individual liberty, free enterprise, and private property rights to one of top-down government command and control. It is Socialism...