Proponents of Sustainable Development constantly tell us that their plans are just local. And they deride those who accuse them of imposing an international agenda. Kooks. Fringe Fanatics. Conspiracy Theorists. These are just some of the labels they pin on those fighting to expose Agenda...

The call for a new Constitutional Convention (Con Con), particularly from Conservative circles, is starting to grow at an alarming rate. Several Conservative organizations, particularly the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the Goldwater Institute (among others) are telling Conservative state legislators that they can...

This is Carolyn DeWeese, Tom's wife. I have some difficult but very urgent news to pass to our American Policy Center family: American Policy Center President Tom DeWeese, my husband had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. Now the good news is that the doctors...

We’ve been saying it for years – sustainable development is really just a disguised Marxism, with its top down control of economic decisions, violation of private property rights and emphasis on Social Justice, a term, incidentally, coined by non- other than Karl Marx (so what...

A news conference sponsored by the American Policy Center. APC buries Capitol Hill under 1.5 tons of petitions during a national news conference. On September 7th, 2000, as nearly every head of state and world leader gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York City...

I have enclosed two very important petitions and I’m asking you to sign them right way. My organization, the American Policy Center (APC), is in the thick of a battle to stop a dangerous call for a Constitutional Convention – or a “Con Con” as it’s...

The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right...

It’s time to get very serious about stopping the forces of tyranny.There is no tomorrow. That’s why today I am preparing a plan for the strongest action ever taken to stop Agenda 21.  But I need your help to make it work. Enclosed with this letter, is a...

In the brave new world of the very near future, children will enter their public schools passing police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, metal detectors, X-ray scanners and warrantless physical searches. Parents will relax, knowing their child is now “SAFE.” No violent evil doers will be able...

It has become typical in school text books, in public discussions, and in the smug wisdom of Progressives, to diminish the words and actions of those who led the founding of the United States. However, now that the nation has gone through what Al Gore...