Last month the American Policy Center issued a challenge to the nation's leading Christian spokesmen. We asked them to take the ball and speak out against environmentalists who are...

RADICAL GREENS USE CHURCHES TO FORCE SENATE SUPPORT OF UN'S GLOBAL WARMING TREATY by Tom DeWeese The National Council of Churches (NCC) has launched a major drive to enlist Christian congregations...

UPDATE ON THE WORSHIP OF GAIA "In 1985, a friend of mine went to a meeting in Boulder (Colorado), called by Jose Arguelles (leader of PAN and New Age Transformation)....

by David Rothbard and Craig Rucker To many these days, being an environmentalist means recycling old newspapers, using cloth diapers, eating organic vegetables, driving small cars, and in general, doing...

By Tom DeWeese Why is America suddenly experiencing an explosion of new mental diseases and disorders never heard of thirty years ago? Why are children seemingly out of control, refusing to listen to parents...

The most difficult aspect of fighting the restructuring of America’s schools from basic academics to psychologically-driven behavior-modification programs is the language. The education establishment has learned to...

THE NATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION "I was in a Senate hearing room when one of Michigan's leading business people turned to me and said, 'there comes a time when somebody must say to this...