For the past year I have been working to sound the alarm that the American beef industry is under massive assault from the radical environmental and animal rights movements that seek its ultimate destruction. Throughout the year I have been addressing cattlemen’s groups to educate...

In 2000 the American Policy Center Dropped 1.5 tons of Petitions on Capitol Hill to Oppose the UN In September of 2000 the UN held its Millennium Summit in New York City to announce its 8 goals to impose the transformation of the world under Sustainable...

My address to the Colorado Independent Cattlemen’s Association I’m not a cattleman and I’m not going to pretend I know everything you are facing. But I do know that the major weapon being used against your industry is the misnamed control devise called Sustainable Development. I...

Tom DeWeese, President of American Policy Center, presents “The War on Free Enterprise, Private Property & Individuals” at a Town Hall, hosted by Founders Freedom Forum in Kalamazoo, Michigan Part 1 of 3: Part 2 of 3: Part 3 of 3:  ...

In 2006, I was surprised to find myself sitting at a formal dinner in the middle of a 200-year-old debating society at Cambridge University in England. In a few minutes I, and five others were about to engage in a debate over the usefulness of...

The American beef industry has long been a tasty target of the environmentalists and their allies in the animal rights movement. To understand the reason is to know that protecting the environment is not the goal, rather the excuse in a determined drive for global...

Jim Schneider and Tom DeWeese discuss the house resolution known as the green new deal. Tom DeWeese is the president of the American Policy Center. DeWeese advocates for individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence. They...