On Global Climate Change As scientists, we - along with our fellow citizens - are intensely interested in the possibility that human activities may affect the global climate; indeed, land...

Agenda 21 is the United Nation's blue print for the complete restructuring of nations to fit into the proper environmental mold. As listed below, Agenda 21 outlines, in detail,...

Careful, Al - People Are Startin' to Wise Up According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the American people have figured out that weather is hot in the summer...

The World Is Overflowing With People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, these are the dire warnings repeated daily from Chicken Little headquarters. Over-population is the cause of human strife and the instigator of disease,...

By Tom DeWeese As Americans, let us review the options now being presented to us to determine our future and how we will live it. First, we have the Constitution of The United States, written by our founding fathers. They were principled men ...

We modern folks, with our computers, televisions and outer-space satellites love to smugly look back on the good old days as quaint and innocent. However, a trip back in time to an ...

As Americans cheered the latest shuttle flight liftoff on July 23rd with its extraordinary scientific payload, few knew how much mathematics and physics knowledge was involved to ...

March 28, 2002 By Cal Thomas President Bush told a United Nations conference on global development in Monterrey, Mexico, last week that Americans have an obligation to "share our wealth" with poor nations. He proposed...

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