Just one year ago I sponsored the Freedom Action National Conference at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. It turned out to be an historic gathering, because this was the event that essentially parked the current national firestorm against the UN’s Agenda 21. Here activists from around the...

Rebuttal By Tom DeWeese I don’t know Peter Gadiel, and he apparently knows absolutely nothing about me. But that hasn’t stopped him from attacking me in a recent article (Influential Conservative is Dangerously Wrong on E-Verify). His article makes some outrageous statements about me, even to...

Why Private Industry Keeps Telling Us to “Go Green”   I’ve sounded the alarm over the dangers of Sustainable Development and the agenda for top-down control through what proponents call the “Three Es,” which includes the Environment, the Economy, and Social Equity. A fourth rail to imposing...

Obama has made his biggest move ever to enforce government tyranny across this nation. This move is more damaging than his destruction of the American health care system. It is more dangerous to the economy than his failed bailouts. It is more communistic than his takeover of the...

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9mxJ36PEJY[/youtube] I need your help to spread the message because time is running out for American freedom and independence. Here is the threat Agenda 21 is a threat coming from the United Nations that is invading every city and town in the nation. It leads to control over...

The rush is on to force into law mandatory use of the E-Verify system that will mandate that all businesses use this hand-me-down from the Social Security Administration in order to hire anyone. Republican Representative Lamar Smith has introduced HR 2164 and House action is...

One rarely hears of it. Few elected officials raise an eyebrow. The media makes no mention of it. But power is slowly slipping away from our elected representatives. In much the same way Mao Tse-tung had his Red Guards, so the UN...