Rep. Henry Hyde Needs Help to Stop Growing Police State
URGENT ALERT!!! URGENT ALERT!!! June 17, 1999 Civil asset forfeiture laws empower the government to seize your property if it is suspected that the property was involved in a crime. But,...
URGENT ALERT!!! URGENT ALERT!!! June 17, 1999 Civil asset forfeiture laws empower the government to seize your property if it is suspected that the property was involved in a crime. But,...
The Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA) is a Billion Dollar a Year Land Grab of American Citizen’s Soil July 9, 1999 Both the House and the Senate of the U.S. Congress have proposed ...
Never heard of The Nature Conservancy? Well, that's probably no accident. It keeps a low profile by design. ...
Eco-elitists save private playgrounds in California. By Tom DeWeese Those who have read George Orwell’s classic book, “Animal Farm” will be familiar with the phrase “everyone is equal but some are more equal than others.” The line was used by the ruling pigs in the story to...
By Peyton Knight, Associate Editor Father Time has finally accomplished what two elections, numerous scandals, and public outrage failed to do—remove Bill Clinton from office. On January 20th of next year, our new president...
National Sovereignty Index Reveals Congressional Failure to Address Essential Sovereignty Issues Washington, DC - A review of the voting records of the 435 members of the House of Representatives reveals that 44% have failed ...
By Alan Caruba There's a good reason why Clinton administration officials like Energy Secretary Bill Richardson are wringing their hands over the prospect of brownouts and blackouts as ...
By Alan Caruba The real action at the GOP convention in Philadelphia will be in the streets. It will be there where the protesters are, where the inevitable clash with police will occur, where...
By Alan Caruba It is occasions like the Fourth of July that afford us the opportunity to remind ourselves why it is good to be an American. We have the oldest functioning Constitution and,...
EPA to Announce Ban, June 8, on Major Pesticide By Alan Caruba Question? What do the following diseases have in common? Malaria, Encephalitis, Dengue fever, Bubonic plague, Salmonellosis,...