December 24, 2002 SITUATION: Committee chairmanships in the House of Representatives will be decided on by a group called the Republican Steering Committee, which consists of twenty-eight GOP House members (see list below). TIME LINE: The Steering Committee will formally meet to...

New Year's makes the attainment of happiness more real and possible. December 23, 2002 By Scott McConnell The meaning of most holidays is clear: Valentine's Day celebrates romance; July Fourth, independence; Thanksgiving, productivity; Christmas, good will toward men. The meaning of New Year's...

December 16, 2002 By Tom DeWeese The world is in chaos and, quite frankly, it's the United Nations' fault. It gives validity to zealots and petty bigots. It helps to keep tyrannical dictators in power. It provides money and aid to international terrorists. And...

November 21, 2002 -From the American Land Rights Association Senate Bill #990, which was a massive expansion of the Endangered Species Act combined with hundreds of millions in new land acquisition, was exposed to the light of day for the first time this...

October 29, 2002 By Peyton Knight Following the killing spree alleged to be the act of John Muhammed and his associate, Lee Malvo, Americans learned that the teenager was an illegal alien, originally from...

October 8, 2002 By Tom DeWeese The massive rally in Collier County, Florida, known as the "Sawgrass Rebellion" to support property rights, imploded and was cancelled in the face of a determined effort to deny...

A long-planned October rally in Collier Country, Florida calling itself the "Sawgrass Rebellion" to support property rights, imploded and was canceled in the face of a determined effort to deny it the right to meet anywhere. You could almost hear the cheering in the offices...

September 3, 2002 By Peyton Knight The newest threat to property rights, the foundation of American liberty, is posed by H.R. 2388, "The National Heritage Areas Policy Act." Sponsored by Rep. Joel Hefley...

August 22, 2002 By Tom DeWeese Only the United Nations, we're told, has the vision and the moral authority to be the keepers of justice...

August 5, 2002 By Tom DeWeese President Bush did the right thing when he announced that the United States would not be a party to the United Nations’ International Criminal Court (ICC). He officially "unsigned"...