The UN just wrapped up yet another international meeting attended by thousands of delegates and world leaders. This time they introduced and unanimously approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is the 17 Goal reboot of Agenda 21 with plans to fully enforce it by...

A New Agenda 21 Threatens Our Way of Life If you had a time machine and could travel back to 1992 as the UN’s Earth Summit was underway, your efforts to abort this subversive policy would be aided by all you had experienced in the Orwellian world...

Many of the younger generation must be truly bewildered over the emotions older Americans display when expressing love, devotion, respect and reverence for our country. A tear in the eye for a patriotic song...

Time to Treat Property Owners like OWNERS! The American way of life, based on a strong middle class established through free enterprise and ownership of private property, is under assault like never before. That assault will dramatically increase in September as thousands of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), global...

Last week I spoke in the tiny community of Rindge, NH. Here local citizens discovered strange things happening in their local government. Turned out to be Agenda 21. So they took action to stop it. Changed the local government and made it mandatory that before...

APC Sledgehammer Action Alert Take Control of this Presidential Election!    How do we make the policies of Agenda 21 a major issue in the upcoming election campaign? Let’s take it directly to the candidates, in front of their own audiences! I’ve prepared three main questions for all...

Senator Rand Paul is taking a lot of heat from establishment Conservatives and some in the media for his unwavering stand against the Patriot Act. The party line that is emerging says that we are now vulnerable to terrorist attack. Even Senator Paul, himself, said...

How do we make the policies of Agenda 21 a major issue in the upcoming election campaign? Let’s take it directly to the candidates, in front of their own audiences! I’ve prepared three main questions that our activists can ask at candidate nights. There are two...

The number of candidates for President seems to grow on a daily basis. Each new candidate attempts to convince us they are the new hope for a better tomorrow. Jobs. Inequality. And the ever popular – “let’s be bipartisan so we can all move forward...