How is it possible that someone is talented and involved enough to run for political office and win the election - but once in office, has no clue of the origins or purpose behind the very policies they are forced to consider? Specifically, policies dealing...

For more than 100 years the free market economy of the United States has been used to prop up the failures of socialism throughout the world. Over-taxed Americans have been forced to pay for it through foreign aid schemes and leftist pretend charity cartels. Armed...

Recently I addressed the Stop 30x30 Summit in Dallas, Texas, sponsored by the American Stewards of Liberty and CFACT. Here is what I had to say to help encourage local activists to fight the seemingly endless number of attacks on our freedoms now coming from...

It’s getting crazy out there. More and more of the policy proposals put out by the Green activists reveal their movement is more about forcing radical changes to our lifestyles and not about climate science or the environment. It’s like a religion where infidels must...

“Farmland lost is farmland lost forever.” That catchy phrase is a popular slogan distributed by the Virginia-based land trust called the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC). While it’s an accurate statement, apparently, the PEC and its like-minded Green brethren are only concerned about losing vital farmland...

When their ship from the Netherlands docked in the harbor of New Amsterdam (now New York City) in 1688, Garrett Hendricks DeWeese, and his wife Zytian, could not have known of the historic events that would direct the destiny of their future family. Nor could...

Social Equity has become the root for almost every policy coming from government, school curriculum, human resources on the job, and even in our entertainment. It’s a revolution intended to change our entire social structure to affect how we all interact with each other. To understand...

For the better part of 30 years I have been trying to sound the alarm over the dangers of Agenda 21 to human society. For my efforts I have been labeled a conspiracy theorists, spreading fear and hate against a reasonable and sound desire to...

Is tyranny our fate? The question now becomes, what do we do? Obviously, we have one of two choices. We accept our fate, or we fight. Are we finished? Do we quit? Do we surrender? It would be easy to do any of those things. No one...