April 13, 2006 By Tom DeWeese For fifty years the American left has promoted the image of Fidel Castro as a great humanitarian who has saved his people in a workers’ paradise. Here’s a fact: Fidel Castro is a communist. Period. Communists are not humanitarians....

April 3, 2006 By Tom DeWeese Americans were rightly outraged over the possibility of an Arab nation with ties to terrorists taking control of six major American ports. Protests from across the nation helped to squelch the deal. However, the job’s not finished. The Communist Chinese...

March 9, 2006 ByTom DeWeese It’s unfortunate for property owners that the battle for the right to own and control their land has fallen on the shrugging shoulders of Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA). The Senator is Chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, which will decide...

February 24, 2006 By Tom DeWeese I love the Beatles’ music. My respect for individual members of the legendary band end there. Paul McCartney has spent a lifetime making incredible music while uttering pure gibberish on issues that matter. It seems that if he can’t put...

February 17, 2006 By Tom DeWeese The American people simply have no idea what it’s like to live in a totalitarian society. We go where we want; watch movies and television shows or any kind; start new businesses on a whim; shop in huge supermarkets that...

February 16, 2006 By Kathleen Marquardt PeTA gave Pat Buchanan an award ostensibly because he saved the life of a turtle. In actuality, they are using him and his compassion for animals to promote their sick and twisted agenda. Publicly, animal rights leaders disguise their...

February 13, 2006 Action Alert! Action Alert! APC is now offering you a quick and easy way to multiply your ...

February 9, 2006 By Tom DeWeese Government is to be feared because it has the power to enforce its will on its citizens. It has guns. It has jails. It has money. The average citizen lacks all of these, making it difficult to fight back. The ballot...